Lemonade Change (LEETCODE 860)
Handling Change at the Lemonade Stand: A Step-by-Step Guide in Java and Python
Step-by-Step Solution Approach
Managing a lemonade stand might sound simple, but what if you had to ensure you always had the correct change? This problem is an excellent exercise in implementing logic to simulate a real-world scenario using programming. Below is the approach to solve the problem where customers pay with $5, $10, or $20 bills, and you need to ensure you can provide the correct change every time.
Problem Restatement
You are given an array 'bills' where each element represents the bill paid by a customer in a queue. The bills can be $5, $10, or $20, and each lemonade costs $5. You need to determine if you can provide the correct change to every customer.
Step 1: Understand the Constraints
Step 2: Plan the Solution
To solve this, we'll:
Step 3: Implement the Solution in Java & PYTHON
class Solution:
def lemonadeChange(self, bills):
five, ten = 0, 0
for bill in bills:
if bill == 5:
five += 1
elif bill == 10:
if five == 0:
return False
five -= 1
ten += 1
if ten > 0 and five > 0:
ten -= 1
five -= 1
elif five >= 3:
five -= 3
return False
return True
Step 5: Test the Solution
Example 1:
Example 2:
This problem illustrates the importance of considering different cases and efficiently managing resources (in this case, money). By tracking the count of each bill denomination, we ensure that each transaction is handled correctly.
#Java #Python #ProblemSolving #Coding #DataStructures #Programming #LinkedInLearning #CodeOfTheDay #LemonadeStand #DSA #dsa #Array #array #leetcode #codeoftheday