Lemasters Consulting 2015 Coat Drive!!!
The 2015 Annual Lemasters Coat Drive has a goal in mind—to donate 700 Brand New Coats! Our coat drive is a separate non profit and this year, we have multiple ways for people to get involved:
1. Do your Christmas shopping early for your favorite funeral professional. All profits from the sale of our Charitable Merch goes towards the coat drive. On top of that, Lemasters will match that amount. Buying a hat, t-shirt or Corpses Attempt Hilarity is the equivalent of providing a brand new winter coat! Shop here: https://www.lemastersconsulting.com/shop/
2. Visit https://www.lemastersconsulting.com/#lemasters-coat-drive and click Donate. This year, donors have the option of donating a specific number of coats. Better yet, Lemasters will match your donation amount!
3. Donate an amount of your choosing. Lemasters will match it! Go here: https://www.lemastersconsulting.com/#lemasters-coat-drive
4. Share! Share this post with your network. There's nothing better than word of mouth, and nothing worse than being cold in the middle of winter. If you care, please share!
While donations are always welcome—we will be shopping for all these new coats soon—so please try and make your donation no later than Friday November 20!