Tangible Magic "STAR WARS: THE LAST JEDI" (2017) Disney / Lucasfilm Ltd.



The 5th Anniversary of THE LAST JEDI is this week and I know by now it seems like this movie is over discussed, and it is, but I'll never stop championing every part of this film. Like the often mocked "Leia Poppins" scene. First of all, this snide remark simply reveals media illiteracy as the entire tone of this shot is clearly in step with Peter Pan, not Mary Poppins. And honestly? It's awesome because of that! Neither is really a detriment. We've known Leia can tap into the Force since Empire Strikes Back and we've seen her use Force Powers in more intuitive, empathetic ways. Like sensing Luke's' fate at the end of that movie but it wasn't until here in The Last Jedi that we get to see Leia use the Force in a more physical way, something fans have been clamoring for, and a swath of those fans reacted overly negative.

“Do or Do not - There is no try.” Yoda’s now famous line spoken to young brash Luke Skywalker, as he struggles to complete training, is echoed here when after years of downplaying her Skywalker heritage we see Leia Organa finally use Force Powers in an act of pure instinctual survival rather than in any offensive type of way which had become the norm, like say Luke force pulling weapons to him or pushing enemies or crushing AT-ATs (a ridiculous notion by the way). I believe the hate this scene receives stems from a fundamental misunderstanding of the Force as presented by Star Wars itself. I’m not saying this to make people mad or gate keep, just using lore to show why the scene is beautiful and actually one of the best moments of the saga. People who tend to hate the way Leia used her powers usually want something a little different out of Force Powers than what Star Wars as a franchise tells us they are - They want to see a Jedi flying through sheer brute force. They don't want magical and ethereal. They want bombast and 'badass'. Or so they think.

When bombast and badass is all we get from action its impact erodes away. This force of will they demand is in direct opposition of the Jedi way presented in the films (not so much the prequel Jedi as that story is of their fall and folly - I'm talking about the purest distillation of the Jedi way of life which is much more monastic). The Force, and by extension the Jedi, are not meant to be video game power ups - nothing more than displays of physical violence with little logic or meaning. I mean sure, they are that at times, yes, but it's more beautiful than that, more profound. They aren't meant to crave and relish power, those are Sith attributes. The Jedi are more in tune with something like water, not fire. Going with the flow. Free moving and ever changing, in constant and guiding motion. It's about harmony and peace, about quiet rebellion, about saving what we love instead of fighting what we hate to borrow the final theme from The Last Jedi. The scene doesn’t just embody these themes but does so in such a way that only strengthens Leia’s character. Her act of salvation here is maybe the most Jedi thing she could have ever done in her time and frankly way more badass than using the Force to crush the bad guys. Don't get me wrong it is awesome to see Force Powers used in battle, however we see that too often across all mediums. It’s also awesome to see scenes that embrace and showcase the more mystical and spiritual aspect of the Force, something Star Wars and fans lose sight of at times.

What makes this scene great is that, much like Luke's final act of heroism, its not about violence but finding solutions to fighting back that don't coarse our soul or bring ruin to those we love. Sometimes that means the fight isn't with our enemy but in saving ourselves. To live is Resistance. It's elegance, not roughness. Gentle floating, gracefully not exerting oneself instead of, for example, ‘blasting off’ as Neo from the Matrix would, or our good friend Superman's first flight to the Sun, or a high octane overly indulgent slug fest popularized by anime and video games. That type of overblown power display disrupts the balletic nature of the Force and turns it from sublime to brutish. It robs the imagery and story of an emotional resonance. Plus, how wonderful is this bit of foreshadowing where she passes through the exact crash point of Holdo's ship when she saves the remaining crew during the climatic battle! (image above). You may be asking yourself "Why is this so important to recognize?" Can't I just enjoy Star Wars for its laser swords and space battles? Yep! You sure can! Nothing wrong with that. However, as Star Wars is approaching it's 50th Anniversary and as we move further and further away from George Lucas an, his his creative input and DNA infused in Star Wars it is imperative that we not only remember his core tenets that made Star Wars so special in the first place but to implement them in each production.

People weren't imprinted on merely with cool force powers and their simple destructive nature, but rather the mystery and the myth surrounding it. When you can make the audience wonder then it's more apt to stick with them long after the credits roll. They crave something that makes them think as well as be entertained. The nurturing mystical quality to the Force made it something more than just displays of power, it turned it into something much more profound than that. The metaphysical power of The Force was and is a potential to grow beyond what we could understand, real magic if you will. It's a Tangible Magic best described by the series itself: "...an energy created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. The Force binds the galaxy together." These are all important elements that make the media we consume better. Leia's Flight reminds us it's important to have media that we can discuss and analyze as well as enjoy for its pure escapism. That War is Hell but beauty persists and to never lose faith.


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