LEI Lexicon - Be the first to know..
LEI Lexicon is a new initiative that we will showcase pTools technology for the financial services sector.
The Legal Entity Identifier is a number that identifies internationally trading financial services firms. It was brought into being after the banking collapse of 2008. The basic idea of the LEI is to have a single standard for identification of internationally trading financial services firms world-wide.
In the past different territories used different numbering schemes and different methodologies to identify firms and this made it difficult for regulators to know exactly which firm was trading where.
The LEI is not a cure-all for the issues that caused the banking collapse but it is a way of allowing access to important information about firms regardless of where they are registered. This information is based on a common standard so that the legal status of firms can be better understood and compared. One significant result is the increasing ability to better understand who owns a firm and which firms own which other firms!
pTools works with clients in financial services and the regulated markets sector. From a technology perspective we help clients underpin and record decisions made in a digital environment. We also help clients manage risk in digital processes based on both client and industry knowledge, and global best practice. This helps transfer what is often years of client ‘corporate know-how’ into new digital applications processing environments.
LEI Lexicon is still in stealth mode but we want to connect with people in the industry who are interested in the impact of digital technology on global financial services processes and regulation.
So please visit www.leilex.com and sign up to get advance access! And if you wish to find out more by email please don’t hesitate to ask via [email protected]