#legoseriousplay - why sit in the future's waiting-room...
...it's taken from a line in a poem. The 4th to last line in the poem. I'll come back to the poem later.
Every day I make a LEGO? SERIOUS PLAY? model. Every day for the last 192 days. Actually, not every model is a #lsp model, but most of them are. Some are done using #playmobilpro while others might be from a #lsp session I've done that day. And today's model reflects on what I believe has been a huge flowering of #lsp ideas over the last few months.
Today's model reflects the fact that COVID-19 has in an odd sort of way begun the process of #lsp unburdening itself from its past. #lsp has begun to unburden itself from, well, itself. It's as if it's shedding its skin, and a new one is emerging. We're not quite sure what that new one looks like, but it is emerging.
And with it, different possibilities. Different assumptions to be made. Different boundaries to be pushed. Different conversations to be had. Different words, and therefore different stories to be told. Different approaches to be created and pondered. Different experimentations to be explored (and failed).
Different. Lighter. Freer. Unburdened. Unchartered territory...
New currencies to be harnessed and tested: generosity, curiosity, serendipity...
This flowering should never have happened. Would likely never have happened. Not now any way. We would have continued. Unquestioning. Frustrated. Burdened. We would have lived with our #lsp assumptions and habits, our complacencies and 'I've always done it this way' mindset. Worn them like a coat that was two sizes too small. Tolerated it. But without any other option, as ill-fitting as the coat might have been, we would have worn it.
And in wearing the coat, continuing to wear it, being complicit in wearing it, we would have stuttered and stumbled forwards. Lurched. Grumbling on the sidelines, forever making sure that the grumbles and mutterings were never quite audible to anyone but ourselves, or our closest allies.
I'm reminded of something I read that Joni Mitchell had said about Prince: "He's driven like an artist. His motivations are growth and experimentation as opposed to formula and hits".
...and so here we are. Less and less burdened perhaps by 'formula and hits'. Perhaps a little bit more carefree. Braver?
Pushing our #lsp boundaries, experimenting and exploring, not looking back so often now for reassurances. That need to seek permission ebbing away. And with every poke and prod of that #lsp boundary, we create new assurances. Safe in the knowledge that we can never quite return to the original spot on which we stood to begin this journey...
So let's celebrate different. Let's test out those new currencies.
And in the words of the Poet Laureate, Simon Armitage, who wrote the poem 'Something Clicked', which reflects on life in 2020: ...why sit in the future's waiting-room, drumming your fingers, why lose the connection, when you could be your own greatest invention'.
Open to Coffee Catchups in Wellington | Proud Pro Elephant Rider | Certified System Level Facilitator of LEGO SERIOUS PLAY | Increasing engagement with Curiosity & Collaboration
4 年Well said. I enjoy reading your posts, my thinking is flourishing!