As the LEGO? Group continues its growth in the APAC, we have an exclusive interview with the new General Manager, Bo H. Kristense of LEGO Japan.

As the LEGO? Group continues its growth in the APAC, we have an exclusive interview with the new General Manager, Bo H. Kristense of LEGO Japan.


As a new leader for the LEGO Japan business group, how do you see the business of the LEGO Japan office in the next few years?


Bo: In LEGO, we believe in that we are representing a fantastic brand with a product that is quite unique. When children play with LEGO we know that they develop many skills that they simply do not learn anywhere else – When children are having fun and playing they really learn and LEGO is fantastic for this purpose. With this belief, we want to reach as many children in Japan to make a positive difference for these children. We are committed to investing in Japan and we are doing so and with this investment, it is essential that we have the best people on board to ensure that we can deliver high growth for LEGO Japan to make a positive difference to children across Japan.

Bo: レゴ社は、独自性に富む製品によって、すばらしいブランドを築き上げてきたと自負しています。子どもたちはレゴ?ブロックで遊びながら、他では学ぶことのできない多くのスキルを育てていきます。楽しく遊ぶことは、子どもたちにとっては大きな学びであり、レゴ製品はこの目的にぴったりなのです。この信念に基づき、できるだけ多くの日本の子どもたちにレゴ製品を届けることで、プラスの影響を与えたいと考えています。当社は日本への投資を強化しています。この投資を成功へと導くには、優秀な人材を採用してレゴジャパンを大きく成長させ、より多くの日本中の子どもたちにプラスの影響を与える存在になることが不可欠です。

Japan has a very competitive toy industry. What do you see is the key difference between LEGO Group and other Japanese toy makers that sets it apart?


Bo: LEGO is not just a toy that you buy to play with for 15 min and throw in the corner. LEGO you can build first according to the instruction that is very fantastic and funny – but the real magic happens when you take your creation apart and make a big pile of LEGO and start creating using your imagination and creativity. Whatever you build is right and you will feel the true Joy of building and pride of creation – and you can continue doing so over and over again whether you are a child or a little older Jand this will bring children hours of fun and development. Many say that LEGO is expensive but if you use this unlimited way of playing the cost per hour played is probably the lowest in the world of any toy.


You’ve been working at LEG Group for several years. What do you enjoy the most about working with the LEGO Group?


Bo: It is unique to be a part of a family-owned company where the family has truly allowed professional leaders to run the company and is not interfering. What the owner family does very well is setting the right values for us as a company and I have always enjoyed working with the values and building the business from here. For me personally, I enjoy the freedom I have in LEGO to impact my own work (in all positions I have had) and the ability to impact how we are progressing as a company. I have also been so privileged to be working across the world and outside Denmark, Japan is my 4. country – which has been extremely exciting and I have learned a lot from this. Yet, most important of all I have always worked with amazing people in LEGO as we are looking for the best people all the time – This simply just allows you to work with tip professionals with the right values constantly.

Bo: 創業者一族が専門家に経営を任せ、オーナー自身は経営に参加しないスタイルの企業で働くのはユニークな経験です。この創業者一族が優れているのは、会社に正しい価値観を根付かせている点です。私も入社以来、常にこの価値観に沿って意思決定をし、この価値観に根ざしてビジネスを成長させてきました。私個人としては、レゴ?グループには(これまでに経験したすべての職務で)自分自身の仕事に影響を生み出す自由さがあることに満足していますし、会社全体として成長する方法に影響を与えることができることにも満足しています。デンマークを出て世界中で働く機会にも恵まれてきました。日本は番目の国です。いろいろな国で働くのはとてもエキサイティングな経験であり、多くのことを学んできました。ただし、最も大事なのは、私がレゴ?グループでいつでも素晴らしいスタッフに囲まれてきたということです。これは、当社が絶えず優秀な人材を求めているからです。常に正しい価値観を持つ、卓越した専門性をもった人材と働くことができます。


LEGO Group is turning 100 in 2032. Could you share what does this mean for the future of the LEGO Group and its business in Japan?


Bo: We are this year celebrating our 86th anniversary and is looking forward towards 2032 where we will be 100 years old J. We are a quite old company yet we are keeping very modern which is quite unique. As a company, we are financially very healthy which is a great foundation to invest further into products and new markets where we can reach even more children that will have the true pleasure of the LEGO play experience. For Japan, that means that we will continue to invest and position LEGO in the right way in Japan in the coming many years and we have a very exciting journey ahead of us.

Bo: 当社は今年で周年を迎え、年には周年を迎えます。人間でいえば歳です。とても古い会社でありながら、最先端であり続ける。これがとてもユニークな点です。当社の財務状態はとても健全で、新製品への投資や新規市場に参入が可能です。それが、より多くの子どもたちにレゴ製品で遊ぶ真の喜びを味わってもらうことにつながります。日本では、そのための投資を継続し、今後数年でレゴ?ブランドを適切な形で日本に根付かせていきます。エキサイティングな未来が当社を待っています。

Sorin Andreescu

Art and Design Teacher / also: Freelance Creative Director (Senior Art Director / Creative Judge, Strategist & Adviser) using the AI in the creative process)

6 年
Reili Sweet

FocusCore Japan - Marketing Padawan

6 年

Great article! Although the numbers and names are not showing on the Japanese side. I see 100 on 2023 on the English side, but not on the Japanese text. "LEGO Group is turning 100 in 2023." "レゴ?グループは、年に周年を迎えます。" Is this on purpose?



