Legislative changes in force from March 1, 2022
1. Vulnerable categories of people will receive material support
·??????Compensatory payments are paid to all privileged categories of persons entitled to receive them, regardless of the receipt or non-receipt of pensions (social benefits), as well as the performance or non-performance of labor activities by these persons;
·??????monthly compensation payments are introduced to single persons in need of outside care, receiving social benefits - 45% of the basic amount of pension calculation;
·??????a monthly additional payment to social benefits for persons who have reached the age of 100 years or more is introduced in the amount of 100% of the base amount of the pension calculation.
2. A system of electronic prescriptions issue is being introduced in all regions of the country
All medical organizations and pharmacies, regardless of their form of ownership and departmental affiliation, will have to use the Electronic Prescription System.
3. Expanding the list of services at the SPIGS (Single portal of interactive government services)
They were added:
·??????invitation of a foreign citizen to Uzbekistan;
·??????obtaining relevant documents and certificates confirming the citizenship of Uzbekistan in a foreign state;
·??????obtaining information about a criminal record (no criminal record);
·??????setting the time of visits held in institutions for the execution of punishment and in colonies-settlements with their close relatives, etc.
4. A new procedure for requesting documents by a traffic police inspector is being established
If the driver does not have documents that must be provided to the traffic police inspector, these documents are checked using a special tablet device through an ID-card.
At the same time, it is prohibited to demand the driver of a vehicle owner with an ID-card to provide:
·??????new driver's license;
·??????a document confirming the right to own, use or dispose of a vehicle in the absence of the owner (power of attorney);
·??????a document confirming the registration of the vehicle;
·??????insurance policy of compulsory insurance of civil liability of vehicle owners.
5. The procedure for holding open tenders to secure passenger routes is being changed
From now on, open tenders for fixing urban, suburban, intercity and international passenger routes will be carried out only through an electronic information system.
6. Fruit and vegetable clusters and farms are provided with additional benefits
Fruit and vegetable clusters (cooperatives) and farms in the presence of an export contract are reimbursed 50% of the insurance premium paid when using the horticultural crop risk insurance service, but not more than 1% of the sum insured. The sum insured must be at least 70% of the value of the crop insured against the risk. Also, clusters (cooperatives) through the district departments of the Ministry of Agriculture are compensated 50% of the costs of attracting qualified agronomists, entomologists, laboratory specialists from abroad, in the part not exceeding the equivalent of $1,000 per specialist per month.
7. Family businesses will receive preferential loans
Loans will be allocated through the Unified Electronic Platform for Family Business Development Programs in a fully digital format.
·??????an application for a loan is sent by the borrower independently or with the assistance of an assistant hokim assigned to the respective mahalla and is considered online;
·??????documents on the allocation of credit funds are generated in electronic form and certified remotely;
·??????loans to the self-employed population are allocated on the basis of established criteria based on the results of a scoring assessment;
·??????free purchase or sale of goods and services at the expense of allocated loans on the basis of market principles is carried out using the "marketplace" system.
?8. Social tax for persons with disabilities will be returned in full
Until March 1, 2024, employers (with the exception of budgetary organizations, state-owned enterprises, legal entities, in the authorized capital (capital) of which the state's share is 50 percent or more) the amount of social tax paid by them for persons with disabilities is returned from the State budget in full. The amount of social tax is refunded starting from the seventh month, provided that persons with disabilities carry out continuous labor activity for 6 months.
9. Land plots near buildings and structures will be transferred for permanent use
Land plots adjacent (bordering) to buildings and structures owned by government agencies, institutions and enterprises, self-government bodies of citizens and owners of multi-apartment residential buildings are allocated to them with the right of permanent use. It is prohibited to install and construct buildings, structures, production and non-production facilities, as well as light structures on them.
10. State institutions will not be able to be founders
As of August 1, 2023, state institutions are prohibited from establishing and participating in the authorized capital (authorized capital) of business entities, except for cases provided for by decisions of the President and the Cabinet of Ministers.
11. Members of national teams in Olympic and Paralympic sports - discounts on travel
Until September 1, 2024, the competent authorities were instructed to provide members of the national teams in Olympic and Paralympic sports with discounts on transport (railway and air) expenses in interregional directions to ensure their participation in sports competitions and training camps.
12. Strengthening control over the rational use of land
The order is established in accordance with which:
·??????photo and video materials about the facts of unauthorized seizure and illegal use of land plots sent by the population and self-government bodies of citizens to the Prosecutor General's Office and the Cadaster Agency are considered in the manner prescribed by legislative acts;
·??????self-government bodies of citizens and assistants to hokims of districts (cities) on the development of entrepreneurship, employment and poverty reduction in the mahalla are given the right to send requests to local executive authorities, construction and cadaster authorities on the legality of the construction of any building or structure on their territory.
13. Construction restrictions lifted
All legal entities are allowed to export cement, cement clinker and building glass produced in the republic on the basis of direct contracts without restrictions (without quotas). Until January 1, 2024, the Export Promotion Agency provides subsidies to domestic exporting enterprises (their authorized representatives) to compensate up to 50% of the costs of transporting building materials by road, rail and air to all countries, including neighboring states.