Legends Are Made. Deconstructed.
Nile Harris
Equipping Life Science innovators to actualize strategy, accelerate results, and build high-performing leaders + everyday warriors ??
My manager asked her direct reports to choose a word for 2023. After considering this for a while, I realized the answer was right in front of me. Legendary.
If you've been with me for a while, you've heard me talk about the importance of having a theme song to hype yourself up. Though I've had many theme songs over the years, currently, I'm vibing to Legends Are Made by Sam Tinnesz.
This practice started for me back in 2001 when I was applying to business school. As a visual learner who uses movement and audio to embed information, I naturally gravitated toward music and dance. My song of choice then was Win by Brian McKnight. Despite what my neighbors would think, I blasted that song all day! It helped me envision what I wanted for myself and inspired me to take action and believe.
The word "legendary" signifies great success in the face of odds. Anyone can win when it's easy, but those who are legendary win when the odds are stacked against them. Fortune favors the bold. And, as a Michigan alumna, the words "those who stay will be champions" are emblazoned on my heart.
This is a great way to step into 2023. What is your word? What is your theme song?
Claim Your Name + State Who You Are
I've got that lightnin' inside me
Son of a God
I'm like a titan that's risin'
Oh, just you watch
I'm steppin' into fate
There is no time to waste
I've got that lightnin' inside me
This is how legends are made
Did you know that saying your name is one of the best ways to pull yourself back into the present moment? That technique is enhanced by stating something powerful about yourself, starting with "I am." Anything that comes after "I Am" will find you. It's not an accident that my site and my handles are "I Am Nile Harris." Someone took the domain name, nileharris.com, so I used thenileharris.com. Realizing that there is so much power in I Am, I changed it.
Who are you?
Warriors Rise To The Battle
I'm crankin' up on the throttle
Victory is mine
Show you the harder the battle
The harder I fight
I've come too far to quit
Step back I'm goin' in
I'm crankin' up on the throttle
This is how legends are made
When will power quits, the power of will takes over. This verse is about grit and perseverence. The fight is what makes the battle worth it. As the challenge grows, visualizing the victory can help with sustaining the moment toward the desired outcome. Elite athletes use visualization and meditation as a technique before games to get in the right mindset. Also, the more resistance, the more effort it requires, the greater the reward.
One word of caution about challenges. It's important to discern when something is not for you and what you're experiencing is redirection. In other words, you need to know when a door is closed because it's not the door to your house. That was one of my lessons to learn. When I stopped banging on the wrong door, I discovered I had a much nicer house a few blocks away.
What Challenges You, Changes You
Like iron
From the fire
Gettin' stronger
This is how legends are made
Above it all
A new animal
This is how legends are made
It's said that whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Sometimes, though, I feel like that's a toxic phrase. It can cause people to mask what they're feeling or experiencing by putting on a brave face. What doesn't kill you, changes you. Over time that change may be ultimately powerful, but right away maybe not.
That said, like iron, you went into the fire and survived it. And now you're being reforged into something else. Your mindset and actions will determine if it's something better, something legendary.
Until Next Time