Legendary Weapons in Fable and Fable Lost Chapters

These weapons in the Fable and Fable Lost Chapters all have certain task to unlock them.A lot of task involve Demon Doors other are special treasure chest that require a certain number of Sliver Keys to open the special treasure chest.Which a lot of Sliver Keys are found by fishing.

  • Sword of Aeons:Kill Theresa after the Jack of Blades battle of either Fable or Fable Lost Chapters
  • Avo's Tear: Spare Theresa after the Jack of Blades battle and do the hero's side mission after listening to the Demon Door outside the Guild.This involves the player finds info in Maze's Qatar where Avo's Tear hidden in the Guild.
  • Arken's Crossbow: a Sliver key Chest in Darkwood lake.
  • Cutlass Bluetane:This the combat multiplier Demon Door near Darkwood where the player has to have a combat multiplier higher than 15 the ways are get good in nearby Hobbe Cave, or Set the guild seal to this location find another location to get high multiplier teleport back or have an overpowered weapon like the Sword of Aeons kill a nearby Earth Troll to rise the combat multiplier.
  • Dollmasters Mace: The Demon Door at the abandoned road location. This dressing the Hero up in Bright Plate armor then Dark Will User robes then the bandit gear.
  • Wellows Pickhammer: Marry Lady Grey and talk to the Demon Door at the Grey House
  • Kanta Hiryu:This is a sliver Key chest in Bowerstone Manor so to gain by either marrying Lady Grey or in Lost Chapters take over Bowerstone by finding evidence that Lady Grey killed her sister Amanda to take over as mayor of Bowerstone.
  • Solus Greatsword:This is technically in Bowerstone North the player has to have an actual relationship with Lady Grey and she gives the sword to the Hero .
  • Murren Greataxe: The Sliver Key Chest at the Hook Coast lighthouse.
  • Murren's Great Hammer: The Sliver Key Chest at the Hero's Guild and this crest will take all fifty sliver keys.
  • Skorm's bow: This is the Temple of Skorm side mission where the player has to keep sacrificing Npc's(non playable characters) to the Temple of Skorm. Which can be difficult do to location of Temple of Skorm. It in the middle of Darkwood filled with Bandits, Hobbes, sometimes Balverines. So sometimes the NPC's die on the way to Temple of Skorm. Or if the Hero is too evil NPC's won't follow either.
  • Harbinger: The sword and stone side mission near Temple of Avo the player can either listen to the hints the NPC's give or max out the Hero's strength abilities to get the sword.
  • Sentinius: The Temple of Avo side mission. This is donating gold to the Temple of Avo. I got it by handing over a 100,000 pieces of gold.
  • Avenger: This Fable Lost Chapters but it the Sliver Key Chest in the Lost Bay.
  • Orkon's Club: This is Fable Lost chapters exclusively but it is a random chest near the Arken Shrine.
  • Bereaver: This is Fable Lost Chapters and this is Necropolis Demon Door basically with this Demon Door hand over any sliver keys to him and he opens.
  • Frying Pan:This more of gag weapon but it can be obtained by doing the treasure hunt side mission. It does matter if the player gets one treasure clue or all six clues. It just changes what the Guild Master says to player. The location of the Frying pan is a dig spot where at Orchard Farm near the font left part of barn and haystacks. the player does have to assign the spade to the quick menu.
  • Bandit Crossbow: This might of been a glitch to get this weapon but it as Twinblade's camp but at one of campfires at the camp this weapon might drop via a random bandit.


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