The Legend of the Phoenix

The Legend of the Phoenix

For the last two weeks, this particular line from the Daft Punk song, "Get Lucky," has been playing in my mind. From the time I wake in the morning to when I go to sleep, this particular lyric is in constant rotation in my mind.

There have been times I have lived a BIG life, a small quiet life, a living la vida loca life, a very sad life but now, I feel like the phoenix. As I rise again, I also see my clients rising from the fear and lack of confidence holding them back. The legend of the phoenix continues...

When I began pitching years ago, I felt at a disadvantage because I wasn't formally trained and worked strictly on instinct. I went after every competition as if it were my last breath. I won time and time again. However, years after I stopped competing, I realized that I needed to invest in training to be of REAL service to my clients. In order for me to say I am the best at what I do as the #KillerPitchMaster, I had to put my pride aside and invest money, time, and resources into really honing my gift of speech and connection.

I am the first to tell you that pitching is not easy and requires diligence, effort, and determination. Couple that with blood, sweat, and tears and you are on your way to blowing your competition away.

I decided to write this article because my new clients are walking deep in self-doubt and fear. No matter how much they have accomplished in their lives, they give themselves no credit or think highly of how far they have come. I am here to remind them of their greatness and that like the legend of the phoenix, they are on their way to greatness again.

My ability to create, design and coach others on the art and science of pitching almost came to screeching halt two years ago. In the midst of struggling to figure out who I was beyond my accomplishments, Jesus showed me the way to reconnect with my spirit within. HE showed me that communication is my gift, skill and talent. Do not waste them just because I am scared, doubtful, or afraid! The minute I came out of those things holding me back, new doors opened up to me. People who never wanted to work with me before called me and told me they were waiting to work together this time. I am not my past, I am a new creation.

You are not your past. You are not your mistakes. You are not even the sum total of your accomplishments. You are far greater than you give yourself credit for in your life. You are uniquely made, "fearfully and wonderfully made." Walk in your gift! Walk in your Light!

You were created for moments like this! Seize it! "Like the legend of the phoenix," its your time to rise again!


Precious L. Williams

The #KillerPitchMaster

Founder & CEO

Perfect Pitches by Precious


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