Dear Mr. Khugan,
I have been following your articles along with some friends of mine. We find you concentrate mostly on business owners. We, being from the working class also have a lot of monetary issues. The issue is making ends meet at the end of the month with the current rising cost. We too would like to be business owners but being in our early forties, we feel that its already too late, and hence are afraid of taking such steps. Can you please advise us on how do we handle this situation?
Thank You,
Edgar C.
Hey Edgar,
Thank you for the eye opener by sending me the question. You are right, as a business consultant,? I have been concentrating more on business owners. I am very thankful for your insightful email. I will definitely be addressing issues faced by employees more from now than I did before.?
Your question took me by surprise and made me remember something that I believe would benefit you and your friends with similar issues. The Story of Mat Zain.
This story takes place in 1999, when we were just starting SKB. At that time just like you, we were working in different companies and started SKB on a Part-time consultancy basis. My wife and I lived in a town in the southern part of KL and was around 15kms from where my parents lived.
Whenever, we used to go to visit my parents on the weekends, we noticed this Burger Stall on the way. Every night, rain or shine they were open. One day we decided to try the burgers and let me tell you even after 20 over years I still believe that it was one of the best burgers we’ve had.
The next week we stopped there again and this time, I ended up talking to the owner Zain and his wonderful wife Nur. He was in his late 30’s named Zain while his wife would be in her mid thirties. I asked him why his burgers tasted so good, they laughed and said that Nur had created a special sauce in which she marinates the burgers with, that’s what made it taste different.
We used to be regulars there and one day they looked very down and morose! When we inquired why, Zain opened his heart to us. We learned that he was a Government servant and did not make much money but still remained at his job because of the pension that he would receive at the end of it.?
He was taking care of his wife, 3 kids and the fourth was on the way. He was also taking care of his parents as well. On that Particular day he found out that there was a family dispute with his siblings and that he had to come up with RM5,000.00 in 2 months. He was hardly making ends meet at the moment.
Come to think of it I believe that Zain was our first Consultancy client though it was FREE at that time. We sat down with Zain and said look at the business as a business and not a part time gig.
We asked them how many burgers they sold a night. He said on a bad night around 40 on a good night around 100. We asked him to start recording the names and phone numbers of his customers. (Please remember this was a time long before smartphones)
My wife being the Author, started designing messages and offers for them to send their customers and having Phone Pre-Orders so No waiting was required. More customers started ordering their burgers now. Then there were a lot of his friends hanging around his stall, we made friends with them as well and asked if they would help deliver for them and they happily Agreed.
With that we had a delivery service for 6 burgers minimum or more. In short business was really good and Zain made more than the RM 5,000 he required. They of course expanded to a Nasi Lemak session which we advised them to handle only in the morning with a similar concept.
Zain and Nur now have several restaurants and their children are helping them run them, we still do keep in touch every Hari Raya and Deepavali especially, as we moved a short time later to Shah Alam when SKB opened our first office in Subang Jaya.
In one of our earliest conversations Zain used to tell me that his dream car was a BMW 728i. At that time, he said that it was just a dream. A few years later after his first restaurant was opened, I had a client who was selling his. I got him to sell it to Zain at a special price and that was the moment of triumph for him.
Till today though all the kids are driving continental cars, you would know when Zain and Nur are at any of the restaurants as only that car would be parked in front of the shop.
1.?? HOW MUCH DO YOU NEED? – Budget yourself backwards, see how much is your total expenditure and what is your monthly gap in money. Then look at how are you going to fill that said gap.
2.?? YOUR SPECIAL SAUCE – As how Zain and Nur found their special sauce, find out what is it that you can do better than anyone else and find a market for it. That way you are not investing a lot of money and you are becoming an entrepreneur. Despite whatever your age is.
3.?? HARD WORK – Please don’t follow all that Social Media nonsense, I may be old school, but let me tell you there is NO Substitute for Hard Work. Why? Because, only when you are willing to roll up your sleeves and work (It’s a Mindset) would you be able to push through like Zain and family.
?Well Edgar, I hope that I have managed to give you some insight to as to why you need to look at your problems from a different perspective! To me Zain and Nur are Legends as they did not have the technological benefits that we have now, to promote and publicize a business. So stop worrying and start thinking like an entrepreneur and I can assure you that your solution is just a ‘Thought Away’.
If you need other clarifications, please do not hesitate to email /WhatsApp me. Once again thank you for the E-mail.
Best Regards Always,