The legend of The Holy Grail
Why was the story begun, which became known as "The Legend of the Holy Grail" ? Who began the story? Who then spread the story?
These are just some of the subjects I address in my book, "The Revelation of King Arthur: Deceit, Intrigue, and the Guards' Account".
What became known as the legend of The Holy Grail began as a cover story. There were two stories concerning the body of Jesus after his crucifixion, and both of them are found in the Bible, in the Gospel of Matthew 28.
The one story is the story of Easter, Jesus rose from the dead. The other story is what I call "The Guards' Account" for it is the story they were told to tell by the Sanhedrin. Here is a passage from the book:
"The body of Jesus was gone. Imagine the panic in the halls of the Sanhedrin. The soldiers probably believed they would be court-marsheld and killed, and they had good reason to believe this. The worst fears of the religious establishment had be realized. 'What do we do no?' Guardian the tomb did not work. The body was gone! Therefore, all that was left to do was to invent a cover story.
One story has been consistent for almost two thousand years. That story is that Jesus arose from the dead. The other story continues to grow with retelling. The remainder of this book is about the other story and where it eventually leads. It begins by saying that Jesus' body was taken from the tomb. From there the story has grown to epic proportions. After all, if Jesus did not die and the disciple took him from the tomb, - what happened then?"
If you are a standard publisher or literary agent, I would love to send a copy of my self-published book. It tells where this story eventually leads. Thanks, Robert.