by Larry Tyler
Columnist & Featured Contributor, BIZCATALYST360.com
He knew I had to cross that yard or go back defeated and shamed and he knew that when I took off running he would punish me.?After all who was I to think that I could stroll across his yard??Talk about biting the hand that feeds you.?I knew what was coming, Cookie knew what was coming.?The Rooster was certain as to what was about to happen.?We all had our parts to play.
I looked at Cookie, Cookie looked at me.?Off I went never touching the steps.?I hit the yard at a run, arms pumping, and hair flying in the wind.?The rooster waited.?I thought I am going to make it.?I am going to outrun that beast.?My whole being was filled with an incredible rush of fear and exhilaration.?Yes, yes Cookie was barking from the creek cheering me on.?I was almost there. Just a few feet and a leap over the creek and I would be safe.
Then the rooster hit me from behind claws digging deep into my back, pain pushing me forward, leaving a trail of little round holes all over my body.?I landed right smack on top of the electric fence pushing it down, shocking my whole body and burning me everywhere it touched.?The rooster finished with me flew over and thrashed Cookie.?She went running toward the creek.?The rooster walked back to his stump and waited to see if I wanted more.
After a few tears and some burn marks, Momma came around the corner of the house.?She took an inventory of me.?Shirt shredded, I had scratches and little-pecking holes from the rooster all down my back and burns on my legs from the eclectic fence.?Mom was mad I knew but I caught a glimmer of compassion in her eyes.?I asked her why the rooster didn’t attack her.?She smiled and said I am the one that feeds him.?From that day forward I fed the beast and after a while, I walked across that yard bold and fearless.?The rooster still eyed me but never did thrash me again.
Point Of View
I learned that day that sometimes even when fear eats at your very being you just have to face it head on or that fear lives within you every day of your life.?I had lived many years afraid of that rooster until that day when he did his worst to me and I still ran across that yard.?Fear crushes your confidence and leaves you helpless to be your best self.?We have to face our fears knowing that it can be painful.?Once done you leave the fear behind like an ever fading memory. You can again dream and be fearless in life.
Granted I could have asked my Mom a long time before that day why she was not afraid of the beast.?I guess some lessons have to be learned the hard way because we don’t know the right questions to ask.?Maybe mom had her day with the rooster and knew I had to face it alone to overcome my fear.