LegalCORPS 2023 Annual Report

Positively impacting our community

As Minnesota and the nation experience ongoing recovery from the pandemic, more people are joining the labor market. Much of our net increase in jobs over the past few years has been contributions from small businesses. As a matter of fact, between March 2021 and March 2022, of the net increase of 70,954 jobs in Minnesota, small businesses contributed 91.5 percent. To help these small businesses succeed, it is imperative that our community continue to provide the necessary legal services so many of our hardworking clients need to succeed.

As LegalCORPS moves forward into our 20th year, we look back at 2023 and the accomplishments of our team, volunteers, partners, and sponsors. Their commitment to providing innovative and inclusive assistance in transactional matters to low-income entrepreneurs, small business owners, inventors, and small low-revenue nonprofit organizations continues to have a positive impact on our community.

LegalCORPS contributes with pro bono attorneys and our staff attorney, who have provided 3930 hours of service to 3681 clients, representing a financial value of over $1.5 million to small businesses, entrepreneurs, nonprofits, and inventors. Once again, our small nonprofit is having a big impact on the future of Minnesota.

We offer sincere gratitude to our clients, partners, and supporters for believing in the important work we do to support economic equity. As we begin our 20th year, we look forward to continued growth and positive impacts on our community.

Nicole Deters, MPA, PACC

Executive Director

To view our full report visit - under "Who We Are" click on "Financials & Annual Report"


