Legal Requirements in ISO 9001

Legal Requirements in ISO 9001

Jeff Ryall from RelianSys presented at the monthly Australian Organisation for Quality (AOQ) event on November 19th in Hawthorn.

The presentation looked at the obligation to comply with legal requirements, as outlined in the ISO 9001 standard.

Particularly interesting was where Jeff outlined where in the standard it referred to compliance with legal requirements. I must admit that I had missed some of this in the standard, being more focussed on our obligations to customers.

Jeff also highlighted the need to be aware of not only Federal and State obligations, but of local Council requirements, which can vary from Council to Council.

After the presentation, attendees entered into an interesting group discussion, highlighting examples of where legal requirements have been critical to their compliance and risk assessment.

I went in to the event thinking we had everything pretty much covered, but now I’m not so sure. I scribbled furiously as Jeff’s presentation raised issues for me to check on when I returned to work. I plan to review our contractual commitments ASAP!

AOQ provided food and refreshments, much appreciated by attendees.


