Is It Legal?
Rachel Frances Thomson DipITS, DipBE, QTLS, IBAM, MCIMSPA
Improving movement through education | Helping exercise professionals gain a deeper understanding of intrinsic biomechanics’
People ask me all the time about insurance cover, now I am not a legal person however I do have insurance policies.
This information is based upon my very limited knowledge and experience of insurance companies.
Some insurance policies are compulsory, some are a very good idea and others are a waste of time in my opinion.
Now generally we can choose who we take out insurance with for our various ‘potential’ problems, like house insurance incase it burns down or car insurance in case we have an accident.
This is the same for professional cover in case our client/patient has an accident or problem under our care or guidance for example. THIS is the cover I am going to discuss here.
My advice to anyone who is wondering about their cover is to ask yourself;
Is it right?
Is it enough?
Is it legal?
Then how do you KNOW this?
The insurance policy you take out is a legally binding contract between YOU & the INSURER. Not me, not your colleague or mate who says what they have, not even the lady receptionist you chatted to on the phone, just YOU & the INSURER.
What this means is that image worst case scenario and an accident happens for example and you need to access that cover…
1). The insurance company will look for a reason NOT TO PAY OUT
2). In a court of law the legally binding contract is the T&C’s YOU agreed with the insurer.
3). The person who suggested which cover to take is not responsible at that point.
4). Neither is the receptionist of the insurance company who told you stuff over the phone.
Now what am I suggesting?
Well YOU are the person responsible for arranging the most appropriate cover and contract with your insurer. If you don't like the one they have offered you, go somewhere else. The actual figure you’re covered for SOUNDS impressive at £5 million or £10 million BUT this is not the biggest deal. READ the terms and conditions of what the insurance actually covers YOU FOR.
For example;
Does it cover you for being hands on?
Does it cover you if the client falls off a step in your gym?
Does it cover every professional skill set you have?
Are YOUR professional skills listed in the T&C’s?
If you want to know the answer to these questions YOU ask YOUR INSURER then ask if they will write them into the T&C’s. READ IT & DON'T PAY until YOU'RE HAPPY. The clauses may already be in there in some form but written a certain way to include the things you need.
Your insurer SHOULD be able to explain this if not find a legal person who can.
If they are a decent company they should take the time to advise you and create a T&C’s that correlates to YOUR skill set.
We sat down with Graybrook Insurance Brokers Ltd to discuss the very unique Biomechanics Coaching? skills. These skills give personal trainers hands on techniques which is something a large group of our learners didn't necessarily have in their skill set previously as PT’s and exercise professionals. We wanted to make sure they were covered for the skills we were teaching them.
Graybrook recognised that while this was the case, the clients were in fact safer in our hands than a PT or exercise professional without these assessment skills. So they wrote the title Biomechanics Coach? INTO the contract T&C’s for us AND even gave us a premium rate that covers ALL their skills sets including manual therapy and group exercise.
So while we have done SOME of the work for these professionals every single insurance contact is individual and still between YOU and the INSURER.
Now although these types of claims are rare, the right insurance cover is vital to cover any ‘potential’ problem or risk. They offer comfort that your assets are safe and they demonstrate good practice.
There are other great insurance companies out there, Balens Ltd for example, who are also very accommodating I am told. But do your research for your skill sets.
So my final piece of advice is this;
I KNOW I KNOW …..the small print
BUT you never know when you might need it and you will need it to be right!