Legal presence in Belarus in 2025
Branch of a foreign organization.
Who it is suitable for?
Companies with an established business that are already operating or planning to enter the Belarusian market. The branch is an ideal option for registration, for example, of sales representatives on the territory of Belarus. The head of the branch will be able to participate in procurements, conclude transactions on behalf of the parent company, which will ensure more prompt involvement.
Subsidiary company.
Who it is suitable for?
The option of opening a legal entity is suitable for companies wishing to conduct business activities in Belarus without limits, expand their business, for example, to implement a new direction of activity, open a new production site.
The company's entry into an existing legal entity. You can continue your activities not only by creating a company from scratch, but also by buying an existing company, if the direction and goals of its activities are very similar to yours. Before buying, we recommend conducting due diligence to ensure the safety of your activities.
When deciding on the further existence of your business in Belarus and follow-up actions, it is important to carefully evaluate all the pros and cons, conduct a detailed analysis and develop a strategy for further activities. And specialists of the Corporate Law, M&A practice can help with this.