

Simon, no doubt you will ignores this corruption and told to do by the silent bureaucrats who really run Ireland - recently identified by Michael McDowell. These Secretary Generals led by Robert Watt do what the want and pay themselves what they want. Obviously they're un-elected yet claim to be 'The Government'. If you really want to know what they'be been up to, read this chapter from my Memoir. A case in point is the scandalous delay of ten years in excavating the remains of babies dumped into a cesspit by the Catholic Church. Any one with a titter of wit knows that the delay was to allow any forensic evidence to dissipate, so that the people who dumped them into the cesspit could never be identified. But you and your Mickey Mouse government know this only too well.


Determined to bring attention to the Belfast Docks Scandal I

started a book - and every time I was drunk would add to it. This

was to expose the cover up of ICTU and SIPTU and it contained

the documentary proof from the ‘Joint Disciplinary Committee’

which was in fact a ‘Union and Employers Court’. This contained

details of my Trial and appeal. In 2019 I self-published it with the

title ‘The Judas Goats’ and hand delivered 40 copies to TD’s

chosen at random, to the Dail. Plus to the Irish Times for Fintan

O’Toole. I also delivered it to the Phoenix magazine and two

copies to RTE for Joe Duffy and Miriam O’Callaghan. Finally I tried

to hand deliver a copy to the President Michael D Higgins but the

policeman at the gate refused to accept it. He said for security

reasons it would have to be posted in. This I did at a cost of 9


The reason I went to these lengths is because - ‘while I knew’ I

wouldn’t be sued for defamation - the fact that I wasn’t - would be

reported in the media and cause Investigative Reporters to ask

why not?

I hoped this would achieve the desired result of exposing the cover

up - but this was not to be. To their eternal shame the people in all

media continued with their “Blanket Censorship” and for self-

preservation will not speak out and do their job. To this end - those

in the Law, Trade Unions and Human Rights will expose abuse

thousand of miles away and ignore it on their own doorstep.

I was particularly upset at President Michael D Higgins avoiding of

the Truth, seeing he is a man of Principle. I informed Michael D of

this betrayal, at his first garden party. Because I’d been emailing

Michael D’ on a regular basis about the corruption at Belfast

Docks, and just received the standard reply… Obviously they had

my email address and I was mistakenly invited to his first Garden

Party and I could also bring along eight others. So I invited the

Dockers who appeared in the Utv Asbestos documentary. Only

one Arthur Rafferty was able to attend, .

We duly arrived, queued up and were greeted by Michael D and

his wife. I immediately launched into who we were and stated “that

the Union in Belfast along with Employers had formed, a Union

and Employers Court. This ordered union members to discharge

Asbestos without protection and sacked those who didn’t comply. I

pointed out that so far I was clear, but that Arthur and others had

full blown Asbestosis”.

Michael D took my arm and moved me to one side, I thought he

wanted to talk to Arthur, but no - it was to facilitate the

photographer who took a photo of us and we were moved on.

“Well that was a waste of time” I declared.

Outside it was a fine day and the Saw Doctors were playing. The

best of food and drink was in abundance. My only quibble was -

that a party of young people with learning difficulties were availing

too readily of the free drink, and obviously were the worse for

wear. I enquired of a barman should he continue to serve them

drink. He shrugged and said: “I’m only here to serve it”. A lady

beside me commented, “And why should he not serve them, do

you want him to discriminate against them”.

Not at all, I assured her, ‘It is their ‘well being’ I’m concerned


“You’re all the same” she said and flounced off. Whatever that


Myself and Arthur availed of the lavish food and I had a several

pints of ‘Free Guinness’. After about two hours we decided to

leave. When we re-entered house Michael D and his wife were still

greeting new arrivals. They were in fact posing with a couple

getting their picture taken. I stopped to allow the photographer to

take the shot - but Arthur walked on and spoiled it. After another

photo was taken I proceeded. I never received my photo with

Michel D and his wife, and often wondered was it because of

Arthur’s actions - or - what I related to Michael ‘D’ about the Belfast


Over the years because of childhood beating and my futile quest

for Justice and my illegal sacking, I buried myself in drink for a long

time After being shown the reason for this I straightened myself

out. However, with the death of my wife who always supported me

in my fight with the Union at Belfast Docks, the drink returned. Her

death and the continuous denial of the media to accept the Truth in

what I was saying - sent me into a tail-spin.

While I accepted that no-one who relies on the media for their

living, {for self- preservation} would expose this scandal. However,

I believed that that the cantankerous old reprobate Vincent Browne

would not baulk from the challenge. {I was wrong} For several

years before he retired I had been contacting him. Only once did

he reply, and all he said was, “show me the proof”? Which I did -

which he also ignored and never heard from him again.

Years back, when I heard that Jack O’Connor, then still SIPTU

president, was to appear on his show I fully expected him to

lambaste O’Connor about his Union’s diabolical behaviour at

Belfast Docks. Naturally he questioned O’Connor in a provocative

manner, but what else did he expect? Then in a well rehearsed

hissy fit O’Connor took umbrage over some inconsequential thing,

stood up fumbled to take off his mike and staged a walk out.

I fully expected Browne to say, “The real reason for his walk out

and non-participation is - because I was going to ask him, ‘why do

you cover up the fact your own Union sacked its own members for

and with the Belfast Employers at Belfast Docks’? And... do you

know or care how many Dockers and housewives have contracted

Asbestosis seeing your union ordered the Dockers to discharge it -

and it was blown all over Belfast?

Sadly Vincent Browne said no such thing. Had he of done so he

would’ve retired in a blaze of glory, having cemented his reputation

and went down in TV history as a hard nosed interviewer. Instead

cowardice set in and he said nothing. Had he done as I expected

and what the Truth demanded - when O’Connor denied it, he could

have thrown the Documentary Proof in his face. Instead, Browne

retired a damp squib, who at the end of his TV life couldn’t and

wouldn’t ask a truthful question.

No doubt his journalist friends from Belfast had a lot to do with

Browne’s decision. I believe they misled Vincent Browne and I

must ask, why? See - for the documentary

proof. This file shows the Union and Employers Court in action.

Another Belfast media person similarly stricken with cowardice is

David McWilliams. At a meeting in ‘Crawdaddy’ a now defunct

nightclub in Dublin city centre at which Jack O’Connor was

speaking, I accused O’Connor {for the second time} of ‘being

corrupt and of covering up corruption’. While he was stunned and

searching for words, I launched into the anti worker behaviour that

his union engaged in at Belfast Docks. McWilliams interrupted me

saying “let him answer”. O’Connor then lied through his teeth and

said, “Just this morning I received a letter from my Belfast Solicitor

and he can find nothing to substantiate your allegations”.

I replied: “Either you are a liar or your solicitor is a liar”. - As it

subsequently turned out, is was O’Connor who was the liar. His

solicitor, John O’Neill of Thompson McClures, Belfast, confirmed

everything I had said. See the letter dated 31 st January 2006,

although O’Neill tries to spin it so O’Connor is blameless - by

saying, “while not an ideal situation for a trade union to be in, i.e.

‘sacking its own members’ this is not evidence of corruption”.

What else could it be? Obviously this was before O’Connor retired.

However, leading up to retirement he continually boasted, that he

was standing for election in Bray, for the Labour Party. However, I

must take the credit for him ‘not’ doing so. No doubt the labour

Party saw I had already accused him at large Public gatherings of

being corrupt and of covering up corruption - and would not desist.

So they deselected him. Actually I accused him once more at a

large meeting.

While this robbed O’Connor of the opportunity to continue his

posturing to Wealth, in the Dail - it also stopped me from bringing

to the attention of Labour Party supporters the scandal of the cover

up by the Labour Party and SIPTU. The last thing the Labour Party

needed was attention being drawn, to their own, and Pat Rabittes

inaction in the matter. {See Rabbitte’s despicable letters} So

O’Connor was unceremoniously dumped.

When I received solicitor John O’Neill’s letter from Martin

Naughton of SIPTU I contacted David McWilliams on twitter and

asked him to denounce O’Connor. He waffled and said “I

remember that night Hugh but have not set eyes on him since”.

Whatever that is supposed to mean? See his tweet in the the

letter. A while back David McWilliams rightly complained that: “The

Irish State is going to pay the lion’s share of rolling out broadband

around the country and then is going to gift this infrastructure to a

private investment company”. What a turnaround. Has he joined

the hard Left in exposing the contradictions of Capitalism? Quite

recently he was ‘singing the praises’ of the rise of the middle class

in Ireland, which I have no problem with as long as the don’t do it

on the backs of workers. I can honestly say without contradiction,

that no working class person had an input into the nonsensical

decision to give broadband away. No doubt the ‘unelected who run

the country decided this’.

David states, “The private company has the potential to sell off

these assets at a profit - even if the State allows itself some claw-

back of such funds. That is what private companies tend to do. As

a result over the next 15 years or so the average citizen will end up

transferring billions to a small number of people. And we still won’t

own the infrastructure”.

While he is entirely right in what he says - what is he complaining

about? This is the tried and tested Capitalist and Wealthy way of

doing things in Ireland - to screw the ordinary tax-paying people.

His excellent article would be more suited in a left wing publication

instead of the Irish Times. It points out the benefits of the PPP’s

Public Private Partnerships -“whereby in motorway building the

infrastructure is eventually owned by the Irish People” - and he

ends with: “And now the coup de grace. The department of

Finance estimates that “Granahan’ will have paid back all its

borrowings by 2028. At which stage it will own the Irish broadband

network. And we will be in its pocket. How does that make you


Again I ask what he is complaining about. This is the System that

he supports - and that supports him. If David McWilliams is to be

believed with his ‘about turn’, seeing there was only one bidder left

for the broadband installation - why is he not calling for the setting

up of a government controlled building firm to build the system - or

a PPP? Once established, this could continue on and build social

housing for the Plebs. While this would get up the noses of

developers and house builders by guaranteeing accountability - so

no more sub-standard houses or apartments would be being built.

Why is the Mickey Mouse “unelected government” led by Robert

Watt - allowing the people who supplied sub-standard materials

which led to housed literally falling - down not to pay redress? Why

is the taxpayer again footing the bill for Billions of euros - just like

they did with the apartment blocks that people bought - and can’t

live in?

Ireland has stood one of the fundamentals of capitalism on its

head, i.e. ‘you get what you pay for’. Instead of wasting money for

remedial work - a government owned Building Firm would have

building inspectors on every site to oversee and guarantee each

and every Build. And more importantly this would also guarantee

that the children’s hospital would be built to a world class standard

without the overrun of countless millions, to date. These common

sense practices would stop the ripping off of the tax payer.

Maybe this is a step too far for David and smacks too much of the

dreaded Socialism, although he could put a spin on it and call it

‘fair play’ for the Irish People. While he rightly moans about the

Broadband fiasco - the setting up of a Public Building Company

would entail, him admitting, that Capitalism doesn't work -

especially in such a small country like Ireland. More importantly if

there was a government department specifically for building

houses and apartments there would be no more homeless people.

And just like in past years, there would be a steady stream of

public housing becoming available every year.

While this would upset the Landlords in the Dail - and keep house

prices low, David is in the perfect position {with his about turn} to

run for the Dail and to implement my proposal of… injecting some

Fair Play into Capitalism.

David mentioned “Claw-back” which I agree with. In a different

though similar financial context, I believe - if a Theatre Company

which receives public funding at the outset and makes substantial

remuneration, there should be a claw-back. I don’t necessarily

mean taking money off them - but their next grant should be

reduced by the amount of profit they have in the Bank. After all, it’s

the taxpayer who funds their enterprise in the first place.

If David McWilliams with his expertise in financial matters and his

undoubted social conscience, choose to do so, ‘he’ could change

Ireland for the better. If he set up a new party and named it The

Fair Play Party which as the name suggests wanted fair play for

everyone, he and his new party along with Sinn Fein would run the

country for the benefit of the Irish People.

With McWilliams expertise in Finance - he could insist that Vulture

Funds have no place in Ireland and in a Revolutionary Move could

persuade Trade Union’s to use their millions to compete with the

Multi-Nationals. They could buy up businesses, ailing and

otherwise and pay everyone a fair wage. The eventual aim of the

FPP would be to unite every Union in Ireland into One Big Union,

which was Larkn’s original idea. The combined wealth of the

‘Union Owning Businesses would be used to compete with the

Employers, and to pay a substantial fair play wage. When ordinary

union members in Britain and further afield see the benefits, they

would clamour for their own union to join up.

A workers utopia would be the result, with workers owning their

own factories and businesses. David could take the principles of

‘The Fair Play Party’ World-Wide and use his financial knowledge

to alleviate poverty in developing countries. The fair play

movement would upset no-one because it’s adhering to the

financial rules of acquisition and competition - but with one big

difference. It is for the benefit of all and not for the few.

When personal greed is taken out of the equation and everyone

treated with respect - then the good people with money will come

to the fore and embrace the fact - that no-one deserves to be poor

and without hope. The ideals of the Fair Play Party “if embraced”,

will one day be the standard practice of Humanitarian Behaviour all

over the world.

To achieve the ideals of the FFP David will have to confront is

fellow Journalists and the supposed upholders of Democracy in

Ireland. At least two of the “cover up journalists” live in Dublin, and

have been honoured as Eisenhower Fellows - this is awarded to

Journalists for their courage in exposing wrongdoing. I don’t

believe Fintan O’Toole, is an Eisenhower Fellow, but I could be


He holds the right cover up credentials and has many other

honours and awards. As Arts Editor of Irish times for a number of

years, he is supposedly a champion of Theatre and free speech.

?He has shown however, that by ignoring SIPTU’s corruption, he

has a deliberate blind spot where the Union and ICTU are

concerned. This is manifest in his refusal to support my play ‘The

Judas Goat’ which shows the Union’s behaviour and betrayal of

workers at Belfast Docks. How can anyone dispute that the

Wealthy are not influencing his decisions?

An interesting example of O’Toole’s cherry-picking of the Truth

happened several years ago. O’Toole chaired a conference for the

launching of an information book by Transparency International.

This took place in Buswells Hotel, Dublin.?The book gave names

addresses and contact numbers where whistle-blowers could

register their complaints. After a few whistle -blowers told their

stories, I was allowed to speak. I immediately launched into the

cover up by SIPTU, of the corruption at Belfast Docks, whereby

when still ITGWU the Union persecuted and sacked its own

members and ordered them to work at Asbestos without


There was absolute SILENCE in the room so I continued, stating:

the Union Chairman, Jim Austin, negotiated a Decasualisation

Scheme then betrayed the Dockers by joining the employers as

Labour Controller. O’Toole quickly interupted me stating, “You

cannot name names” and called for the next speaker.?

I persisted and got support from many people including several

who declared they were ex Dublin Dockers. ?A shouting match

ensued as they demanded that I be allowed to speak. This was

calmed, by the intervention of Transparency Internationals Director

in Ireland - John Devitt.?He said: that “What I had to say was most

interesting but this was not the place to discuss it, and that he

would have a coffee with me later and discuss it”. ?Again I

persisted and asked “where better a place to discuss, a Trade

Union joining with employers and sacking its own members, than

at a whistle-blowers conference”? ?

Devitt replied: “We are pushed for time and I will speak to me

afterwards and take notes about your case”.

This caused uproar from the ex Dublin Dockers, and Devitt

appealed to them to moderate their language as the event was

been recorded and would be posted on their website.?However,

not posted was my questioning of O’Toole and himself??Some

transparency? Because of my intervention and refusal to be silent,

dissent had stirred among the whistle blowers, who began to see

that their situations were being used for ulterior motives.

O’Toole continually called for the next speaker as Davitt appealed

for calm. They were both shouted down by Genuine People. They

were in danger of losing control of the meeting as the ex Dockers

were demanding I be allowed to speak. O’Toole then delivered his

well-planned master-stroke. This silenced the ex Dublin Dockers

and got everyone present back on board, i.e. supporting the Irish

Times led protest.

With a flourish O’Toole introduced an Army officer {Can’t

remember his name} who had to resign his commission because

he objected to and reported sexist wrong-doing in the armed

forces. Everyone in the room applauded the ex army officer who

was present - now jobless and facing a bleak future. Then,

grinning like a Cheshire cat, O’Toole delivered his ‘master stroke’.

He revealed that the Irish Times had stepped into the breach and

saved the day, by appointing the officer as Chief Security Officer at

Irish Times. This led to loud applause and much congratulation of

the Irish Times, mostly from the media. O’Toole almost floated to

the ceiling on the wave of adulation.

This orchestration between O’Toole, Transparency International

and Irish Times is a devastating example of how the people who

supposedly represent the Underdog - are able to direct and control

decent. Obviously this suits and benefits the Employer class,

whose main aim it to stop the knowledge of the Asbestos deaths

and Union involvement from becoming public knowledge. They

ultimately use genuine workers protest for their own ruthless ends.

Needless to say, the ex Belfast Dockers who were sacked for

refusing to discharge Asbestos by own Union and their wives and

families didn’t get another mention.

That same day I complained to Transparency International office in

London but was ignored. Only in Ireland could we have this upside

down farce. I had just informed a whistle-blowers champion,

‘Devitt’ of a monstrous denial of Human Rights, i.e the right to life

of Irish Citizens, and it was ignored. This fact plus the deaths of

workers and women washing their clothes did not cost John David

a thought.

This in entirely in keeping with O’Toole’s and Irish Times ethos

which is to control and ultimately side-line legitimate protest for the

benefit of the Wealthy. As usual in Ireland the Truth comes far

down the list when vested interests are concerned. I admit I’m

flummoxed. Why did the Transparency International office in

London not investigate what I’d said, sack John Davitt - and hold

an investigation into the Asbestos Scandal themselves. Surely,

they’re not as corrupt as O’Toole, Diramid Feriter and the Irish


That this happened at a WHISTLEBLOWERS conference

specifically held to give them a voice is beyond belief and - shows

just how powerful they wealthy in Ireland are. Obviously Davitt told

his head office in London, that I was some sort of nut-case and

there’s no-way that the world famous ITGWU would behave in

such a disgraceful fashion. Obviously John Davitt, is ‘not’

representing Transparency International - and therefore has been

corrupted by the Wealthy in Ireland.

Not only has he been corrupted - but by association he has also

corrupted Transparency International. Whistle-blowers who suffer

the full force of the Right Wing impositions for speaking out about

Injustice - need to take control of their own protests. At present

they are led by Devitt, O’Toole, Irish Times and the so-called “Free

Press” who were present in their droves at the Whistle-blowers

Conference. Not a word about what I said was printed the next day

- but full coverage was given to the Irish Times humanitarian


The corruption of John Davitt cannot be ignored. If Transparency

International is to live up to its name it must sack Davitt for selling


Likewise - David McWilliams cannot ride two horses. If he is going

to confront the Wealthy in Ireland he must run for the Dail. Unlike

myself he is educated will threaten their privileged position with his

fair-minded proposals. The Dail - is the only way he place where

he can resist the obvious censorship that is controlling Whistle-

blowers in Ireland. Ultimately, the screws will be turned on him to

support them This is why - O’Toole, Irish Time’s and Davitt were

involved in launching the Whistle - blowers book - to hijack protest

- and to sideline it. Which they have effectively done. However, for

them to have ‘Turned’ John Davitt must have them wallowing in

self praise? No doubt if and when he’s exposed - a well paid

position with the Wealthy will be guaranteed.

They Irish Elite naturally will have a frantic desire to silence David

McWilliams… They’ve already started - by launching a charm

offence by having him write a column for the Irish Times. Naturally,

David will deny this, but stranger things have happened. E.g. The

Union Chairman at Belfast Docks, Jim Austin, before and after he

sold out to the Employers and took the job of Labour Controller…

maintained that he did so for the benefit of the Dockers. Even

when he was prosecutor in the Union and Employers Court and a

Docker was sacked, he would maintain that he’d done everything

possible for them, but that they’d brought it on them- selves. Unlike

John Davitt he made no bones about his changing sides. David

should be made aware of how cunning and manipulative the

wealthy can be. If circumstances don’t present themselves

naturally through greed, they can create circumstances that will.

To fool workers, SIPTU and ICTU keep their support for the

Wealthy completely hidden. This contradiction and cover up is

what keeps the ‘Right’ in power. While Union Leaders will be

completely opposed to Union’s owning factories and business,

McWilliam’s with his undoubted social conscience could by-pass

them. He can point out to workers - If they don’t support the Fair

Play Party - in future there will be only be the Wealthy in the world

- and hordes of Robots working 24 hours a day seven days a

week, while the poor exist in squalor.

In her excellent book, WHISTLEBLOWING TOWARD A NEW

THEORY, Author Kate Kenny acknowledged John Devitt as one of

her sources for meeting Whistle-blowers.

If Davitt had a fraction of the principles that Transparency

International believe he has - he would’ve told her about the Union

at Belfast Docks that sacked its own members. While she was in

shock he could’ve shown her the documentation form the Union

and Employers Court, to convince her - and my attempts to bring

this to the Public's attention? However, Davitt, with his ‘employers

hat on’ while not able to stop Kate Kenny’s book was able to

control what went into it. These facts are without doubt and if

disclosed will prove that ‘Davitt’ has sold out and is corrupting the

‘Left’ who believe in him.

Kate Kenny, besides crediting Davitt, also credits Shane Ross, an

ex stock-broker and ex TD who was a Irish Senator at the time of

his disclosures. She writes, that Ross brought attention to a

whistle-blower, who was being snubbed, and raised the matter in

the Senate. He got much needed publicity for the case which was

even reported in the Irish Times. However, either Kate Kenny’s

sources were being ‘very’ economical with the truth or maybe they

just ‘forgot’ about another fascinating and very interesting story

regarding Shane Ross. This also took place in the Senate and was

“very worthy” of inclusion in Kate Kenny’s book.

What transpired was: Shane Ross, filled with righteous indignation

trumpeted on the floor of the Senate that millions of Euro were

being siphoned off from training schemes for the unskilled, into

secret SIPTU bank accounts. He labelled this conspiracy A

SLUSH FUND. A media frenzy descended upon this controversy

and SIPTU leaders denied any knowledge of these bank accounts.

This focused attention onto the named holders of the secret

accounts, who were SIPTU members. After much prevarication

and when their names were eventually disclosed, they refused to

attend the Public Accounts Committee to be questioned on the


Why did John Davitt nor Shane Ross inform Kate Kenny about this

Slush Fund? An interesting point is, the missing millions were used

to pay for drink fuelled junkets to New York for St Patrick’s Day -

and other holidays for those in the know. The beneficiaries of this

largesse were both employers and trade union officials? In any

other situation, the Wealthy would’ve been calling for a police

investigation, which proves that Money Talks. There never was an

investigation and the matter fizzled out. Why? This was taxpayers

money that was being used to bribe both employers and union

officials and nothing was done about it. No doubt Kate Kenny will

be disgusted that she was kept in the dark about this corruption, as

no doubt they’d have been included in her book. But will she

challenge these champions of Democracy over their deceit.

Not, unless she wants a whispering campaign of lies and slander

to blacken her name? While Kenny’s sources can brush the

Belfast Docks scandal aside by claiming that ‘it is not related to

Finance’, this hardly applies to Shane Ross’s - NON exposure of

the Slush Funds. Another interesting point is - the ignoring by the

Public Accounts Committee of the men in whose names the secret

accounts were held. Why were they allowed to thumb their noses

at this powerful committee? Why were they not arrested and held

in contempt until they confessed just who had told the to set up the

secret accounts.

Don’t get me wrong - I don’t want to see ordinary people arrested

- but these ‘Cat’s Paws’ knew who was paying the “Bribes” and

after a few nights in the cells they’ve have told all. Why did Shane

Ross not report in the Sunday Independent about the ‘cherry-

picking’ of his statements which are on the Records of the Senate.

While the misappropriated money siphoned off from training

schemes for the unskilled was a dastardly act, for it to involve the

trade union founded by Connolly and Larkin is beyond belief. The

fact that the Wealthy were not calling for the heads of those

involved, proves that they were up to their necks in it. What better

way to control trade union leaders than to blackmail them with the

fact - that they were robbing the unemployed in such a dastardly

fashion. This scandal and the even worse one, that Belfast

Dockers were ordered discharge Asbestos without protection to

save the Employers Money were - ignored?

Had Kate Kenny known of these corruptions and included them in

her book - it wouldn’t been a best seller? Actually - now that she

knows will she admonish these deniers of the Truth and reissue

her book to include these facts? Highlighting of course Ross and

Davitt’ cover up of the cover ups.

No doubt Kenny knew nothing about the whistle blowers

conference in Boswell’s Hotel - and - a more important conference

held two days later in the College of Surgeons. This one had

Judge Peter Kelly chairing the Q&A session. Geraldine Kennedy

was still Irish Times Editor at the time and on the panel.

She proved all I maintain about the Irish Times and the Wealthy.

This conference was to discuss the changes in the Defamation

Laws. After some legal debate from the panel, about the pros and

cons of silencing honest opinion in a Democracy - with various

opinions on the Draconian new laws, expressed - Judge Kelly

called for the first speaker.

As is usual in these circumstances things were slow to kick off, so I

raised my hand and Judge Kelly directed a young lady to bring me

the mike. I shocked the assembled Lawyers by announcing: that, “I

tried to get myself sued for defamation by telling the truth” , The

large audience gasped as one. I elaborated, that “three times I

accused Jack O’Connor, SIPTU President, at large public

meetings of being corrupt and of covering up corruption”. The

assembled Lawyers did not know where to look or what to do. You

could have heard a pin drop, so I continued saying, “The first time I

accused him was during the Irish Ferries dispute at a conference

in Dublin - and O’Connor was so offended they he yelled ‘he would

sue the arse of me’. I was delighted”.

There was another audible gasp from the assembled barristers

and solicitors. I continued. “However, when the Belfast solicitor he

engaged, one John O’Neill of Thompson McClures, Belfast

advised him by letter, that I Spoke the truth about the Belfast

Branch - and what I said was entirely true, he regretfully dropped

his action”. Judge Kelly allowed me five minutes to outline the

corruption of the Union at Belfast Docks, then asked, “did I have a


I replied I did and it was for Geraldine Kennedy. Pointing at her, I

asked: “Why do you, Fintan O’Toole and Irish Times censor the

Belfast Docks scandal? As you well know this trade union

collaborated with employers to form a Union and Employers Court

that ordered the Belfast Dockers to discharge Asbestos without

protection - and sacked anyone who refused to do so”?

While the legal establishment looked on, in shock, Geraldine

Kennedy sat with her mouth hanging open. Foolishly I cut short her

embarrassment by stating: “You are not alone in covering up. At a

whistle-blowers conference two days ago, Fintan O’Toole would

not answer that question either”. Like a drowning woman the Irish

Times editor latched onto what I had said - and gave an answer

which will go down in the annals of the Irish Times and ‘Free

Press’ history: She said: and I quote “I cannot answer your

question until I’ve spoken to Fintan ‘OToole”.

A collective gasp was uttered from the assembled Lawyers - then

following her statement complete silence prevailed. While

Geraldine Kennedy thought she was getting herself ‘off the hook’ -

she didn’t realise the significance and implication of her refusal to

answer a simple question. Or - even to be offended at the slight on

her newspaper? The editor of the Irish Times had just denigrated

and held to ridicule, the self-professed and pompous leading organ

of ‘supposed’ free speech and democracy in Ireland. This refusal

to answer proved everything that I accused the Irish Times of.

While Geraldine Kennedy was blissfully unaware of this - at the

time, the assembled legal eagles knew full well of the implications.

I also had just defamed herself - Fintan O’Toole and the Irish

Times, and did so in front of the finest legal minds in the country -

IF IT WAS NOT TRUE. Worst of all, {from her perspective} she

had ‘jumped in with both feet’ and refused to answer - at a

conference which was called to discuss the denial of ‘Free Speech’

in Ireland. The deceased comedian from Belfast Frank Carson had

a saying, “You couldn’t make it up”.

Kennedy’s ignorance on the matter shocked the assembled

lawyers. From an non journalistic person this would be deplorable -

from the editor of the Irish Times it was revealing and disgusting.

Obviously, not as quick witted as Jack O’Connor who in similar

circumstances denied complicity to the high heaven - and

threatened to sue me if I did not apologise - then quietly forgot

about it. No doubt this was the beginning of the end for her

Journalistic Career.

Faced with the non legal action of Jack O’Connor, and the

bumbling of Geraldine Kennedy, the finest Legal Minds in the

country knew full well what they had just witnessed. They knew,

because of the circumstances that. by no stretch of the imagination

was I guilty of Defamation - and they were also aware - I didn’t

have the money to get this matter into a Courtroom or I would

already have done so.

That said, no doubt every Barrister, Solicitor and Judge, in

attendance at this conference squirmed a little in their seat. They

knew they were identifiable through, having signed in on the on the

web and could see - what could transpire from this situation. I.e.

‘That they all had just been given knowledge of a cover up of

corruption by SIPTU the Irish Times and the Wealthy. And by their

subsequent non action, which was apparent, and foreshadowed by

their silence - the finest legal minds in the country were guilty of a

conspiracy… comparable to Malice of Forethought.

If some ambulance chaser of a solicitor got wind of this conference

they all could possibly be called, as material witnesses. However,

the unbelievable assertion that several hundred highly intelligent

Barristers and Lawyers were all struck with amnesia at the same

instant, could even see them charged with perverting the course of

Justice. Of course this was just theoretical - the legal eagles and

members of the Judiciary knew full well that this would never


After the conference, when wine was served, I was disappointed

that neither Geraldine Kennedy, the panel nor Judge Kelly were

present as I had wanted to question them further. Foolishly, with

so many high ranking lawyers present I thought that I would be

deluged with offers to take up my case – but received not even

one. Geraldine Kennedy has long since departed the Irish Times

and is teaching Journalism [sic] at the University of Limerick.

Although… the legacy of censorship the new editor of Irish Times

inherited, is still promoted. This begs the question, just what sort of

Journalism is Geraldine Kennedy teaching?

If proof of the power of the Wealthy is doubted - the back two rows

at the Defamation Conference which Judge Kelly chaired were

filled with print and Television media, who recorded everything that

transpired. Yet save for a few lines in Irish Times the following day,

{and nothing about my contribution} or Geraldine Kennedy’s

avoidance of the Truth - a news blackout descended upon the

Defamation Conference. If Kate Kenny ‘is’ to reissue her book -

and seeing that nothing is every ‘forgotten regarding digital

recordings, she could track down and print my disclosures… and

the Irish Times cover up at this conference

Likewise, my contribution to the Transparency International

Conference was not reported either, and my contribution was

deleted from the video they posted on the web.

Regarding Judge Kelly, he had a successful career in the Law and

attained the position of president of the High Court before being

compelled to retire when he reached the age of 70. This was 12

years after being told by myself of of the Union and Employers

Court and the deplorable Trade Union behaviour at Belfast Docks.

However the reason for his silence has become absolutely clear -

its in his DNA and that of the wealthy. Obviously the Union leaders

were just doing as they were told. What possible good could come

from highly respectable employers, his neighbours, being dragged

into a Courtroom and charged with God knows what?

After he retired, himself and and another former Judge, Frank

Clarke who was chief justice when he retired - unbelievably… were

both sworn in as Judges to the DIFC - the Dubai International

Financial Centre. Needless to say, Dubai has no Trade Unions,

Freedom of Speech, or Democracy and has been condemned by

the UN’s International Labour Organisation… Amnesty

International and every Human Rights groups around the world.

While the good Judges were able to ignore these “inconsequential

matters” it gives an insight into the thinking of Judge Kelly.

The unfree Press for once got their principles our of the pocket of

the Rich. They had a field day reporting that the Dubai ruler Sheik

Mohammed Al Maktoum who owns a 1,500 acre stud farm in Co

Kildare, had harassed one of his four wives who fled to Britain

fearing for her safety.

He found out where she was living, bought up land surrounding

her house and hacked her phone. A British family court found that

she had been coerced and was entitled to sole custody of their

children. Ex President Mary Robinson had to admit that the Sheikh

had fooled her. After his daughter Sheikha Latifa tried to cross the

Indian Ocean in a yacht to escape from him - Robinson claimed

that the young woman was suffering from a “bipolar disorder. She

compounded this by claiming that the young woman “was clearly

a troubled and was in the care of her family”. When presented with

the facts our ex president admitted that she was wrong and had

been used. I wonder why she was silent when I told her about the

Union’s Corruption?

When these facts were splashed all over the papers - one of the

two Judges - Frank Clarke resigned, stating that he “was

concerned that the controversy could affect the important work of

the law commission” to which he had been appointed. A few days

later Judge Kelly also resigned. He told the Irish Times “I have

decided to resign from the Court of Appeal of the DIFC since, as a

private citizen, I do not want this controversy to disrupt my future

time in retirement”.

What gobbledegook. It was not his status as a private citizen that

the democratic institutions in Ireland and several Professor of Law

objected to - but what his actions were saying about the law itself.

“That it was for sale”. I will simply say to Judge Kelly, there are

Belfast Dockers and many Belfast People who will never get to

enjoy their retirement. This scandal cannot be allowed to rest here

because it obviously gives an insight into the thinking of the Rich-

and the subsequent silence on the Belfast Asbestos Scandal.

This also exposes the sycophantic actions of Fintan O’Toole and

Geraldine Kennedy, who at the time were the leading reporter and

editor of the Irish Times. Not to mention the multitude of high

ranking Barristers and Solicitors who attended the defamation

conference? Judge Kelly is Professor of Law at the National Union

of Ireland at Maynooth and obviously saw no contradiction in his

and Judge Clarke’s actions.

However another Professor of Law, Donncha O’Connell of NUI

Galway condemned their actions.

He said: “retired Judges should not be lending credibility to one

part of the Judicial System of a highly oppressive regime”. He

added: “the Judicial Council should pro actively develop rules for

retired Irish Judges that are mindful of the need to protect the rule

of law globally, not just in Ireland”.

Seeing Donncha O’Connell obviously has Principles - I have sent

him details of the cover up by named Solicitors - of Asbestos

Deaths at Belfast Docks. I want him to present this evidence to

Judge Frank Clarke and the Law Reform Commission - with the

intention of having it Written into Law: I.e ‘that if a lawyer refuses to

act in a case involving another lawyer - that he be named, shamed

and struck off. Because of the closeness of Frank Clarke to Peter

Kelly - and their obvious wiliness to be in the pay of repressive

regimes - is Frank Clarke the right person to chair the Law Reform

Commission? Would not the likes of Donncha O’Connell not be

more suited to lead the Commission?

While I was conned and fooled by Solicitor Norman Shannon in

Belfast, who sat on my case until it became Statute Barred - after I

moved to Dublin I applied for legal aid to sue SIPTU. This was

refused so I appealed and presented new evidence - which was

the letter from Jack O’Connor’s own solicitor. O’Neill stated

categorically, that the Union in Belfast did sack its own members at

Belfast Docks, but to no avail - I was still refused help legal aid.

After waiting for seven years I put the first open letter to Judge

Kelly on linkedin. This was to try and counteract the censoring of

my writing. In particular, of my play ‘The Judas Goat’ - which

shows the Union Corruption and the pandering to the Employers at

Belfast Docks? Also shown in the play, is the Union ordering

Dockers to discharge Asbestos without protection - when they

should have been doing the opposite. I felt compelled although

reticent to expose the Docks Corruption in this, manner because of

the power of the Wealthy.

I was blocked at every turn. With the quashing and non-reporting

of the Belfast Docks scandal, I had no other options.The combined

power and whispering campaign had already turned the so-called

‘Open Theatre’ against me.

Foolishly I thought having the scandal exposed on linkedin would

‘persuade’ the media to expose the Asbestos Scandal and the

Union sacking its own members - but I was wrong. The Truth was

and still is ignored by the supposed Left thinking people.

To be honest I thought ‘Theatre in Ireland would expose the

censorship of the Arts and all media who censor the Truth, but I

was wrong. Why… in this Democratic Republic is this allowed to

happen? I should have said - so-called. Even Shane Ross is

afraid of them. When he was elected Transport Minister, instead of

demanding answers about the Slush Fund and paying off of Union

Officials with free holidays with Taxpayers money - he went deadly

silent on the matter. Shane Ross knows what not to expose.

What astounds me in Ireland is: some of the people who suppress

the Truth are those employed to expose the wrong-dong. This is

proven by RTE with its state of the art investigating program that

refused to expose the Corruption at Belfast Docks? Especially

when it trumpets at every opportunity their slogan “The Truth

Matters”? The reporters on their flagship RTE INVESTIGATES are

fully aware of this scandal as I have emailed them many times

about it. Do they not feel ashamed that their employer is making a

mockery of them? Obviously democracy, freedom of speech and

freedom of the press in Ireland is an unfunny joke.

The “Free Press and media” and the so-called “champions of

Democracy” claim they can’t tell the Truth because they will be

sued for Defamation - which is nonsense. The Truth defames no-

one. This is why I tell the Truth about SIPTU who cover up. I want

them to sue me, but they won’t. This is the only way I can get

Justice in Ireland because - I can’t afford to pay for it. I know what I

just said is a contradiction in terms but it shows the state of the

Legal System here.

A defence the apologists for the wealthy use, is the fact that I have

no money, and it would be useless to sue me. While this is

perfectly true, I point out, that: face-book, twitter and linkedin have

plenty and they refuse to be dictated to by the wealthy Irish elite.

This fact shames them up and they slink away. While the Wealthy

control Ireland through The Press, Trade Unions and the cover up

by Human Rights groups, Justice will never prevail? Money

controls Democracy in Ireland and the dead and dying in Belfast

from Asbestos don’t even cost them a thought.

Several years ago in correspondence with Andrew O’Rourke, of

O’Hayes solicitors, who is the solicitor of Fintan O’Toole and his

then editor Geraldine Kennedy - I raised the matter of their cherry-

picking of the Truth. And as anticipated O’Rourke responded like

their solicitor. He stated that: “I had made defamatory comments

about two of his clients and that our correspondence was not

privileged.” By return, I advised him to sue me, but that his clients

would not allow it. And furthermore stated: that “I hoped I was

wrong as I looked forward to the opportunity of proving in court that

everything I said about their cherry- picking and adherence to

censorship was and is the truth. It also is an affront to democracy,

and is nothing but fair comment”. Needless to say, I never heard

from Andrew O’Rourke again.


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