Joe, see my recent open letter to the Irish Police Commissioner on linkedin - and the Lawyers for Justice on facebook. The Lawyers state that all lawyers are not corrupt, and suggest the reason for their inaction is because this could collapse the Trade Union. ?

Joe, you are being fooled. In your speech last night in the Oireachtas you mentioned Democracy several times. In relation to Ireland this is a sick joke. A corrupt system exists because the Law in Ireland is a designed to only to work for those who can afford to pay for it. To cover up this hypocrisy the Irish Government operates a ‘code of silence’ which the Unfree Press adhere to. This, obviously, is to garner favour with the Wealthy who control Ireland. Not one of the so-called newspapers will report the Censorship of the government or the denial of free speech. I speak specifically of the corruption of the trade union movement and how. The Trade Union that fought as the Citizens Army to free Ireland from British Rule - was corrupted in Belfast. While this happened 50 years ago it is still being covered up to this day. ?

Joe, this corruption happened because the Employers corrupted the Union. In Belfast they both formed a Union and Employers Court for sacking Belfast Dockers - because they wouldn’t discharge Asbestos without protection. This is well documented with letters from the ‘Court’ on the web, albeit relating to my own sacking, whereby. I was rail-roaded with a few silly charges and sacked. ?

Joe, the ITGWU in Belfast betrayed the entire working class of Ireland and besmirched the honourable names of it’s founders, Larkin and Connolly. Behind this betrayal were the leaders in Dublin. With their approval and under the guise of eradicating the Casual System - they founded the Court. As it turned out, the only reason for it - was to persecute and sack the Dockers. ?

Joe, the Court was named “Belfast and Northern Ireland Federation of Employers and Irish Transport & General Workers Union Joint Disciplinary Committee”. Every Irish Government and newspaper for past 50 years are well aware of the corruption, because I have sent them the documentation - but it’s been ignored. Besides the Dockers who were ordered - under the threat of being sacked to discharge the Asbestos, it was blown all over Belfast. And God knows how many people were sentenced to a horrible death because of it?

?Joe, as everyone in Ireland knows, this Union led by James Connolly fought in the GPO as the Citizens Army to help free Ireland from British Rule. While the unsavoury facts about joining with employers must be anathema to all right-minded members of any Trade Union - the Union Chairman, Jim Austin, after forming the Court - left the Union and joined the Employers as Labour Controller. This was after he negotiated the Decasualisation Scheme, which was to give jobs for life. I will never forget his words, “How can dust kill anyone” and the jobs for life lasted 8 years?

?Joe, however, after I was sacked for refusing to work at Asbestos the real reason for the Union and Employers Court became clear. It was to weed out and sack any Docker who objected to their corrupt amalgamation - which threw Connolly and Larkin’s trade union principles into the gutter. The refusal to work at dangerous cargoes was never given as the reason for anone being sacked - and like in my own case, sacked Dockers were charged a myriad of other offences - which were never written down. ?

Joe, see the documentation from the Union and Employers Court in relation to my own sacking, which proves the Union was corrupted. That both the Union and Employers participated in - illegality, to silence dissent and to get the Asbestos discharged, is without doubt. Obviously, over the past 50 years the pawns of the wealthy, like Jack O’Connor plus the cover up people in Dublin were totally corrupted. And the question must be asked - why? Was it for money or power or are they - like the Union Officials and Employers at the time - evil personified??

Joe, I asked the ‘then’ general secretary, Michael Mullen, ‘how can you sleep at night knowing of this betrayal of Larkin and Connolly - and that Asbestos Dust is being blown all over Belfast’? See his reply. He said: “Many things keep me awake at night but never the contents of your insulting letters”. Read it yourself Joe. This says it all. And shows just how much the Union of 50 years ago considered the well being of union members, the Irish People, and its own antecedence. NOT AT ALL - and today’s cover up in the Oireachtas, compounds it.

?Joe, as President of America and proud of your Irish roots, how can you ignore this Irish Corruption? E.g. The three Browne Brothers have contracted Asbestosis. Two of them, Frank and Sean have already died from it. UTV’s program, ‘Death Trap On The Docks’ paints a harrowing picture of how the Union abandoned Asbestos sufferers. Sean’s widow gives a heart-warming account of their lives together - and a heart-breaking account of his horrendous death - and how they were ignored by the Union. This was the very Union that ordered that it should be discharged - or they’d be sacked. ?

Joe, the people from North Belfast which is closest to the Docks were also placed in great danger. I personally watched as clouds of Asbestos Dust was blown across the Herdman Channel and enveloped the houses.

Joe, how many Belfast people have died from cancer, not knowing it was caused by Asbestos? Joe, the very least the Belfast Authorities can do, is check every lung cancer patient for the presence of Asbestos? Many Irish People have died a horrendous death - so the the importers of this deadly Asbestos dust and the trade union despots responsible must be held accountable. ?

Joe, I can’t remember if, in the TV program on Asbestos, it was the solicitor Martin Hanna or the City Hospital Doctor Joe McMahon - who suggested that the employers were guilty of Corporate Manslaughter. I disagree. Because, they knew of the Dangers it must be Corporate Murder. Shortly after this highly popular investigative program was aired - it was shut down. Why...?

Joe, a prime example of the evil that infects the Irish Government is Robert Watt and his cronies. In fact, last year John McGuinness described himself and the elected TD’s as ‘Sock Puppets’ whose only function was to carry out their decisions. They, like the C&AG and his wealthy cronies are unelected. They run Ireland as they see fit and no-one in this Mickey Mouse Democracy will challenge them? This is obvious from their greedy ‘snout in the trough let them eat cake’ behaviour. All this takes place while the housing, hospitals and homeless scandals get worse. This transpires while Watt wallows in power and pays himself what he likes. ?

Joe, the corruption of two solicitors, Norman Shannon, a Belfast solicitor and Michael Farrell of Dublin, has led to the corruption of both Law Societies. Why will these so-called champions of Jurist Prudence not sue me and demand that I be jailed for defaming them. The answer is simple. The Truth stops them. No doubt they’ll claim it would be a waste of time because I have no money. While this is perfectly true, however, linkedin, facebook and twitter have plenty. See recent articles on linkedin.

?Joe, Michael Farrell of FLAC- free legal aid centres - [originally from Belfast] stopped the IHRC holding an investigation into the Union. Even though Belfast solicitor ‘John O’Neill told Jack O’Connor [see his letter] that the union at Belfast Docks “did” sack its own members at Belfast Docks.

?Joe, Jack O’Connor President of SIPTU. had engaged his solicitor, O'Neill to “sue the arse of me”, because I accused him at a large public meeting of being corrupt and of covering up corruption. Upon receipt of his solicitor’s letter, he dropped his case and I accused twice more, in public - but to no avail - he still wouldn’t sue me. This is the only way I can get this case into a courtroom.?

Joe, Norman Shannon in Belfast sat on my case against the Union and Employers for seven years until it became Statute Barred. He told me he could do nothing because the other side wouldn’t enter a defence. This is utter lies. I found out years later that if this ever happens then the case is won. Over the years Billionaires and Millionaires who control the Union and the Irish Government are keeping this scandal hidden.?

Joe, the fact that the Law Societies, North and South, know full well they both have corrupt solicitors in their midst and do nothing about it - shows that they are also part of the cover up. This is proof that a cover up will always spread to encompass a lot more than the ‘initial bad deed’. In this case, the bad deed was the deaths of God knows how many innocent people.?

Joe, documentary proof of everything I’ve said here, can be seen in my articles on linkedin - plus in my censored?stage-play about the Belfast Docks, ‘The Judas Goat’ who was the Union Chairman before being corrupted. And also my Belfast Memoir - ‘Memories and Observations’. plus The details of corruption are also in my first book -‘The Judas Goats’.

Joe, see my open letters and articles on linkedin. ?

JOE IS THIS THE SORT OF IRELAND YOU’RE PROUD OF? I only hope that someone in you entourage has the courage to show this Open Letter to you.

?Best Regards

?Hugh Murphy


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