Legal Action against an International Extradition Request in Indonesia
R. Bayu Perdana
Partner, White-Collar Criminal Defense & Investigations | Dispute Resolution & Litigation (Indonesia)
The regulation governing extradition in Indonesia is established by Law No. 1 of 1979 on Extradition (the “Extradition Law”), which then defines extradition as “the surrender by one country to another country of a person who is suspected or convicted of committing a crime outside the territory of the surrendering country and within the jurisdiction of the requesting country, as it has the authority to judge and prosecute the person.”
There are several essential aspects on extradition according to Indonesian law, including:
A. The Requirements for someone to be extradited from Indonesia
According to the Extradition Law, there are several conditions shall be met for someone to be extradited from Indonesia to another country, including:
The crimes for which perpetrators can be extradited according to the Annex of Extradition Law in Indonesia are as follows:
However, extradition may also be carried out at the discretion of the requesting country for other crimes not in the list and can be added by government regulation.
B. The?Brief?of?the Extradition Procedure in Indonesia
It must be noted that during the trial process, the requested fugitive can be accompanied by an attorney. This rights is given by the Article 54 of Law No. 8 of 1981 on Criminal Procedural Law (“Criminal Procedural Law”). Article 54 of the Criminal Procedural Law stipulates that for the purpose of defense, the suspect is entitled to receive assistance from one or more attorneys during each stages of the examination. For example, in Court Decision No. 104/Pid.C-Ekstradisi/2020/PN.Jkt.Sel which examined the extradition request of Gyu Min Lee, a Korean citizen in Indonesia who was?requested for extradition by the US, was able to receive legal assistance from his attorney to defend his rights at the trial. In this case, the Judge then denied the extradition request of Gyu Min Lee.
C. Legal?action that?can be?conducted?by a person targeted for extradition under Indonesian Law
Neither the extradition law nor the criminal law in Indonesia explicitly mention legal remedies that can be taken against the extradition decision. In Decision No. 73/Pid.Sus/2015/PT YYK, the panel of judges emphasized that the criminal law code does not regulate appeals against the extradition requests. Therefore, it must be declared unacceptable.
Nevertheless, with reference to Article 5 of the Extradition Law, the state retains the prerogative to withhold the surrender of individuals accused of committing political offenses by granting political asylum. It must be noted that according to Article 5 (3) of the Extradition Law, certain types of political crimes may be subject to extradition as long as it is agreed between the Republic of Indonesia and the involved count.
Written by: R. Bayu Perdana , Shabrina Hanifa and Raisa Safina
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