Legacy Living Starts Today
Chad Patterson, BBA, MA
Leadership Coach, Keynote Speaker, Best Selling Author, and CEO
Have you considered the legacy you are leaving? Or, what about the legacy you are living? Let me clarify and dig a little deeper. What is our life choices, actions, and influence leaving a mark on today? Legacy, while usually referred to as a gift from the past, is something we can begin building and giving today.
I'm very blessed by the legacy my parents and wife's parents are still living out today. 60 years of marriage, countless acts of love and kindness to our family and so many friends, strong community reputation for leadership and service, most recently acknowledged by the naming of the Charlie L. Patterson Elementary school in Conroe I.S.D. in honor of my Dad.
Our Charity, Crisis Assistance Center, where I currently serve as the Executive Director, is hosting a special event in February call the "Legacy Lunch". We are celebrating the past 35 years of serving our county, while launching the vision forward for a new legacy of providing hope and help to those in need. Legacy of the past, and launching a legacy forward. Our guest speaker, a living legend and legacy builder, will be Jim McIngvale ( AKA "Mattress Mack) of Gallery Furniture in Houston. Jim exemplifies the heart and soul of living out and building a legacy of kindness, generosity, and community service for all of us to follow. ( For more info or tickets to our Legacy Luncheon, please visit www.cac-mctx.org )
Most of us will not reach the national platform or community presence like a Jim "Mattress Mack" has accomplished. Most of us won't see our name on a school or public building. But we can leave our mark on an even greater place of influence and significance...the hearts of those we love, lead, and serve.
Yesterday is history, but today defines history. Join me in building upon a legacy that will leave a transformational, inspiring, life giving mark in our homes, workplace, and community.
Keep on!
Chad is a servant leader, committed to inspiring others and organizations to reach their fullest potential.
To contact Chad, visit www.johncmaxwellgroup.com/chadpatterson