The Legacy of HR
Photo by Mehmet Turgut Kirkgoz

The Legacy of HR

While driving from one city to the next during #vanlife last weekend, I listened to a Rich Roll podcast about aging. The guest, Chip Connelly, shared a lot of gems in this two-hour episode. The one they kept coming back to was the idea of legacy.

They talk about the idea that satisfaction and our legacy ultimately happen when we find passion to share with the world. For a lot of us, that occurs in mid-life. I know many people—myself included—who spent the first part of their lives trying to make sure everyone was happy with them and the second half trying to get happy with themselves.

I’m certainly no exception. I followed the formula for the first 16 years of my work life. I went from job to job, chasing paychecks and titles with little regard for how that would influence the world. I needed to control how I could live my life. I wanted the house, the car, the travel, and the status.

As I approach 40, I ask different questions and seek other kinds of satisfaction.

  • Did I help someone understand identity?
  • Did I start a conversation?
  • Do recruiters know what question to ask?
  • How can people understand each other better?
  • Can people find work they love?

My blogs this month tackled a lot of those questions. I hope that long after I finish asking questions, these can help someone get a few answers. Maybe they can help you now.

Michael VanDervort

Helping employers create Extraordinary Workplaces | Labor Relations | Podcast Host | Content Creator

9 个月

i have done yeomans work over the see many years

Erin Sechrist

Central Next Steps Project and Resource Manager

9 个月

When our senior pastor stepped down after decades, he said good leadership is setting up your leaders around you so when you exit, your mission still continues. Investing in others allows your leadership to shine for generations. ????


