

Do you play a small game or are you ready to step into a new paradigm of leadership based on greater consciousness, enlightened profitable leadership and the endless possibilities that await you when you do?

My friend spoke to me recently about certainty. She described how suspicious she is of people who are absolutely certain about things. This friend believes that the world’s problems are created by people who have become “certain” in their beliefs and limited theirs and others' lives accordingly.

I make it a regular practice of really, deeply, questioning why I believe what I do. Is my work as important as I believe it is? Are there other possibilities for my life that I am ignoring because of a belief that is no longer, or never was, relevant? It is hard work, this level of introspection. But worth it. The limitless possibilities that each of our lives holds for us require that we seek the answers from within. What legacy are you trying to create for yourself?

Legacy is so often narrowly defined by people as the big, grand gestures; the millions made and left in legacy wills, the career under the tv-studio lights or on stage, the number of tabloid articles written or the size of the paparazzi pack chasing you. Sometimes great men’s legacies are twisted by other men to create inheritances of mass death and harm – do you think the men who discovered how to split the atom are up in heaven still feeling pleased about their legacy?

I would like to encourage you to think of the legacy your life will leave behind as being something much smaller, much more human-scaled and potentially, much more meaningful because of this.?

Yes, you might not be a household name, but I promise that if you take this approach, you will make more impact in the world and be remembered for longer and with greater fondness. Want to know what it is?

Sure, you do!?

It is this – think about how you want people who meet you, talk to you, and know you, to feel. Think about how they arrive within your company and how they leave afterward. Deal with these simple micro-moments of your life and I promise you will find that over the course of your life your legacy will be huge.

If you’re stuck on what to choose regarding ‘how you want people to feel’ bit – well, just consider how you enjoy feeling. Here are some clues; listened to, heard, understood.

Are you still searching for something more though? Are you ready to do the deep dive work on yourself – do you have what it takes to explore new ways of being, to expand your thinking? Why not get in touch with me.

email: gina@genuinely-you.com

See below for other articles

There are lots of other resources on YouTube - Genuinely You With Gina Gardiner



