Quite possibly, many who read this may equate legacy with the value of physical assets left behind by someone who has passed away. Some may add the impact that individual had on the lives of others.
?In reality, you brought nothing when you were born and will take nothing when you die. This is a fact of life. Add this to the fact that you had no choice in your birth. No choice of family, race, creed, wealth, poverty, or assets. The circumstances of our early life mold us, and then either choices are made for us, or we begin to do so ourselves.
?The fortunate ones would be those who were given the right values early in life. The parents who inform their children that they are caretakers of all the assets, physical, spiritual, or mental, and own nothing, will be doing them a favor. Such parents will also add that what counts is the impact you have on the lives of other people. That is legacy.
?The more one loves material things, the greater the regret will be at the final hour. The physical assets that belong to you will now pass on to others who you think of as undeserving. This kind of legacy is meaningless unless you planned to help others in distress.
?The key word is caretaker. What we do with our physical, mental, and spiritual assets will matter. This does not imply that you seek to be remembered. Even rascals, terrorists, criminals and other troublemakers are remembered now and again. Legacy stays in the temporal world. It is your continuance in the life of other who hopefully will follow your example.