Legacy Countdown
Your rental property will likely increase in value over time, so when you sell it, you’ll make a profit.??Since you hold a mortgage on your property, your tenants are paying down your mortgage each month with their rent payments.??Speaking of their rent payments, you’ve structured your investment such that you receive monthly cash flow on top of your renters paying your mortgage.??And speaking of that cash flow, the government allows you to depreciate your asset, reducing your tax liability on your income.??Finally, if inflation is lowering the value of your dollar year by year, it’s doing the same to the dollars that make up your mortgage!
The next time you’re feeling down, frustrated, or even suffering from a case of the “poor-me’s” (let’s face it, none of us are immune), go DO SOMETHING for someone else.? You can’t think yourself out of a way of acting, but you can act yourself out of a way of thinking.? Be grateful that you can help another human being.??