Legacy Academy of Learning
Brian Stephens
Business Sales & Valuations - Construction, Engineering, Environmental, Heath and Life Sciences
Our web developers says its is almost ready, so I sharing this as a heads up
For a Worldwide Impact to occur, All Roads Must End with the Agape “Unconditional” Love of GodAlan Thompson & Brian Stephens
Legacy Academy of Learning
We Live in One World with One Love and One Race The Human Race
Legacy’s “One World, One Love, One Race” logo was born out of a dream that I had and
shared with Brian. I had a dream that God was talking with me about the World and
how divided it is. I told Brian about the dream saying “God said to me in the dream that
all people mattered because there was only, one world and his love created it, and all of
the people in it. So, everyone matters to him, and he is no respecter of person. He said
that “All Lives Matter”. That needs to be a part of our mission statement. Brian
responded; did he say those exact word’s to you? I said no, he said to me in the dream
that “we all lived in “One World” that was created by
him, with “One Love” which is his love and that he created only “One Race”, the
Human Race”, and underneath our skin we all look the same and we all bleed the
I then saw a vision of the World inside of a heart representing his love with all people
holding hands around it which represented the oneness of the race, the human race.
I showed Brian a sketch of the vision with the words underneath it. He stated it
resonated with him, and the only thing that he would do differently was to put the
message in a circle around the sketch, and the “One World, One Love, One Race, The
Human Race” logo was born.Legacy Academy of Learning is seeking and attracting "mission minded" Speakers,
Teachers, Coaches and Consultants that desire to make a difference in the “One
World” that we all share by becoming a pebble in someone's pond. By providing "just
in time" information, inspiration and education will cause a ripple effect changing the
trajectory of generations to come. If you are a Coach, Consultant, Speaker, or Teacher,
and you share the same sentiments as Brian and I. click the “Apply Now” button and
begin to create your Legacy and make a difference in someone's life that will have a
ripple effect around the world. Thank you in advance for answering the call.After the completion of our phone call, I went into prayer about my role. I
know I would not have stayed at the church as long as I did, then opening the
door for Chad if I were not supposed to be involve in some way. This
document on a high-level summarizes the contents of both my head and my
heart toward what I heard about both productions.
I love both of your works from concept to the finished productions. You are
both very gifted.
If asked my only suggestion for a more of a Worldwide adoption, my
suggestion would be that both productions should be laced in the
unconditional Agape Love of God.
The common thread woven through the fabric of both Justice on Trial
Reloaded and Steel Pearl should start as it does with the awareness. These
are irrefutable facts from the heads of the people, it should gravitate to and
end with the Love inside the hearts to galvanize the people.
From studying hypnosis and neurolinguistic programing I know that even our
thoughts and words are energy and if directed or used the wrong way can
have some unintended consequences.
It is okay to bring awareness, so the world can hurt together, heal together and
grow together.
Anytime I write, prepare documents or speak on any topic I start by asking if I
believe in the energy that will be omitted and if so what is the purpose of the
message I am putting out. After the person receives the message what would
I like them to do, think or feel?
I then start with that end in mind and reverse engineer it back to the
As I remember it, three productions were mentioned. “Roots, Law and Order
and The Love Boat”
I remember when Root’s aired. There were fights between Blacks and Whites
after every episode. I am not sure that was the writer’s intended end in mind.Law and Order may have a lot of success because negative news sells and is
spreader more often than positive news.
The Love Boat has the word Love in it. The episodes were laced with lots of
laughs and promises of Love. Words contain life and death and create word
pictures and feelings in the person reading or hearing them. Many people in
the world are either lacking Love or seeking Love.
Two things that mean the same in any language and can change the
physiology of people all over the world are a Genuine Smile from the heart that
shows on the face of the person and the true Unconditional Agape Love.
The body is a servant of the mind. “Out of the heart the mouth speaketh”.
“A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good;
and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil; for
of the abundance of his heart his mouth speaketh.”
"Love covers a multitude of sins" is a phrase that appears in several Bible
verses, including 1 Peter 4:8, Proverbs 10:12, and Luke 7:46-47. In 1 Peter 4:8,
the apostle Peter is referring to interpersonal relationships and how love can
cover sins”
? Protection
Love can help both the victim and the offender, and prevent further offenses. For
example, Jesus' sacrificial death, his prayer from the cross, and his instructions to
his disciples to "love one another" are all examples of love covering sin.
? Forgiveness
Love can work toward forgiveness, so that the sin no longer breaks the
relationship. In this context, the sins being covered are those of fellow Christians,
such as when they fail to live up to the biblical path of righteousness.
Perfect love that casts out fear is a process. The Bible shares how we can grow into this
type of perfect love.
The Bible talks about perfect love, which casts out fear, but it is hard in this world not to
be fearful.It has been said that some races may fear extinction or losing something that
may lead to a loss of Sex, Money or Power for generations to come. To
prevent this, they may feel that the solution is segregation which may lead to
more racism and the lack to the things they are seeking.
"There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with
punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love."
1 John 4:18
“For example, a tragedy happened in our community recently. A senseless shooting. It
was wrong in many ways, and a cloud of worry hung over our community as we
grappled with this tragedy. Fear was in the air as we all tried to determine why the
shooting had happened. People pointed fingers every which way, and we all wondered
if we were safe.”
The World Inside the Agape Love of God’s Heart for Humanity
13 If I speak in the tongues[a] of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a
resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. 2 If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom
all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do
not have love, I am nothing. 3 If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to
hardship that I may boast,[b] but do not have love, I gain nothing.
4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does
not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of
wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects,
always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
8 Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are
tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. 9 For we know
in part and we prophesy in part, 10 but when completeness comes, what is in part
disappears. 11 When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned
like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me. 12 For now
we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part;
then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.
13 And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is
love.This is Alan Thompson speaking at the US House of Representatives prior to the
economic downturn. The Topic was “The Head and Heart of the Real Estate Industry.”
Alan Thompson teaches real estate to a group of multicultural students. Even after
experiencing years of prejudice and judgmental experiences encountered being the first
African American teaching at one of the top predominantly white real estate schools in
the state of Florida.? Students that walked out the classroom swearing when I walked up to the
podium and stated I will be their instructor.
? Receiving a fax that states many things about blacks not being, trusted and
people do not want to work with them and the only way I was successful in real
estate being black is that I must be married to a white woman.
? Many other issues inside the classroom and in the industry for over four
decades. People not shaking my hand, to tearing up my card in front of my face
and throwing it away. Many more similar scenarios while practicing real estate
and designing training for over three hundred and fifty thousand students
throughout the US and Canada. Yet, I said to myself “if they knew better, they
would do better.” I am well qualified, and I mean them well so “Forgive them for
they know not what they do”
“According to the Bible, Matthew 18:21-22 says that people should forgive
others "seventy-seven times" or "seventy times seven," which is 490
times. This is in response to Peter asking Jesus how many times he should
forgive his brother if he sins against him. Peter may have thought he was
being generous by asking if he should forgive up to seven times, but Jesus
says that people should be prepared to forgive without limit. Some say that
this means there is no limit to God's forgiveness, and therefore there should
be no limit to ours. Others say that constant forgiveness can help people
overcome sin in their own lives.”In later years I partnered with Brian Stephens on a Business Brokerage transaction. I
later got to know the character of him as a person vs. as a white person.
I never thought just because he is white doesn’t mean he’s not the right partner for
such a time as this. I honestly believe that Brian and his family would have been one of
the white families that would have taken a stance against ignorance and injustice and
would have joined Martin Luther King in the civil rights movement to challenging
injustice among all races.
Unbeknownst to me he later told me about situations he stood up against in college. He
also spoke about his daughter breaking up with a 20-year-old young man because of he
professing to be a white supremist. I wondered how does one so young project so much
hate at such a young age? They were not born that way so it was a program that they
learned from their environment.
to them in college. and every MLK Day he and his family gives out meals and
participates in the celebrations without wanting any credit. They just wanted to do the
right thing which may not be the white thing.
Being right and doing the right thing from a human perspective shouldn’t be based on
the color of one’s skin vs. the content of one’s heart. Brian has a great heart, a lot of
talent, integrity and more importantly a man of character.
The reason this is so important is that in some cases talent can take a person to places
that their character won’t allow them to stay.
He does a lot of things for the community he resides in. He is involved with MLK
projects annually, the Josua House, and sits on several boards. He and I are educatorswith the hearts to teach business brokerage to all people giving them a true chance at
not just realizing the American Dream, but a Worldwide dream. Unless the American
Dream is inclusive it may become a nightmare for the ones that are left out of the plan
to make it great again.
I had a dream and expressed it with him, and he helped to shape it into what you see
above. My thoughts are to impact the world by starting a mission minded move laced in
love we should think humanity over vanity and place people of profit.
One way for this to begin would be for maybe the first time ever to award the W.E.
Dubois Award to a white recipient that has been in the struggle with all people and has
demonstrated unconditional love of all. My vote would be for Brian Stephens. Below he
is with me supporting me as I spoke to a predominantly African American organization
called the National Association of Real Estate Brokers.
My thoughts are to make it a bit more impactful to bring back white witnesses in
“Justice on Trial Reloaded” production. Some whites and their families were victims
and punished by the same system to echo the injustice and fight for reparations as well.
Many were called names from white trash to N word lovers and ostracized as well as
killed.Bringing by white witnesses to fight for what is right may strength the case for
reparations when the audiences of the world are getting the message across the world
in black and white.
Replaying stories of injustice and keeping them at the top of the mind of awareness is
okay. It is responsible of the World to acknowledge, the situations, the undesired
behaviors and the impact of their actions and accept the consequences laced with love
and forgiveness.
All people should become aware of injustices done to them out of ignorance, lack of
understanding or fear, and take a moment to let it hurt us all, and then let us all heal
together under the agape love of God.
If getting reparations for African Americans is the end goal. Then in the time travel
bring back whites as well as character witnesses that were also there standing against
the injustices to make a stronger case. This testimony from these white eyewitnesses
would make this reload not just a black thing or a white thing but on the contrary it
would be the right thing.
Thoughts on Steel Pearl – Luxury Cruise of the Elite African Americans ( Not accepted
by America and may not be accepted by Africans due to their elite arrogant
Americanized attitudes when they get to Africa. Will the Elite group that made it in
America come to Africa and enslave them. Who would be working for whom?
Will there be a tribal response with racism turning into classism.
The African Americans that are watching these elites each week on a cruise that they
can go on ever how would they feel.
White Americans seeing this be pushed in their faces that you thought you could break
us down yet we rise. Would they feel that the African American that made it made it
because some whites gave them an opportunity in the land of opportunity that they are
now leaving? What is the attitude of the ones left behind and how are they protected
from now making America white again I mean great again?
Perpetuating, illuminating and paying hate forward in perpetuity is a red ocean strategy,
which will leave the ocean full of blood because of the bloody battle between the parties
trying to gain territory or possessions or people or power versus the blue ocean strategy
leading with a beautiful ocean of love that will allow individuals to lead with their hearts
instead of their heads.
Interesting, we look forward to seeing and reading.