Lee Carter - Leadership-in-Community
Lee Carter received his Doctor of Strategic Leadership from Regent University and currently serves as Executive Vice President of Scripture Engagement at Bible League International (Chicago) supporting long-term strategies for sustained church growth. His vision is to equip missional leaders in the global Church and missional movements with healthy leadership perspectives and effective models that foster thriving organizations and communities that are witnesses of the goodness of Jesus Christ.?Join the Tell Your Story (TYS) team as we learn more about Lee and his story.
In Leadership-in-Community, Lee Carter plugs a hole that has been gaping for too long. In missional circles there has existed a void of material relevant to boots-on-the-ground team leadership that eschews hierarchical authoritarianism and instead adapts the servant posture modeled by Jesus.
What is your name and where are you from?
My name is Lee A. Carter, I am from Homewood, IL
What do you do for a living?
I work for Bible League International as the Executive Vice President of Scripture Engagement. I oversee Bible Leagues global Scripture engagement programs, which includes content development, publishing, Bible Translations, Partner Relations, and impact reporting. Bible League International provide Bibles and training to churches around the work that encourage and equip them for evangelism and spiritual formation through Scripture engagement.
What are your hobbies and interests?
My interests include reading, biking, walking, golf, tennis, hiking, travel and exploring, history and historical sites or museums, and I listen to many different podcasts.
What are two special or unique things about you that are probably not known by your co-workers and acquaintances?
I originally grew up in the state of Montana, so while I've been in the Chicagoland area for 18 years, I still consider myself a Montanan at heart. I am a collector of T-shirts and baseball caps of the places I travel and visit. Also, I was trained as an accountant and was actually a Certified Management Accountant for several years before giving it up to focus on leadership studies and Scripture engagement in mission.
Are there causes or issues that you truly care about?
The causes that are important to me that I support both financially and through volunteer work include InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, By the Hand Club for Kids (a Christian after-school program for kids in at-risk urban centers in Chicago that includes activities, tutoring, and Christian education), and the Immigration Coalition (a ministry that provides aid to immigrant and asylum-seekers while also providing advocacy for more just immigration and refugee laws in the United States).
What is your story as a person?
I was raised to love the Scriptures through my mother's influence and my involvement with Awana's as a child. When I was in college, through, I was greatly discipled through InterVarsity Christian Fellowship where I learned what it means to truly be a disciple of Jesus, to follow him on mission, and to live my life for Kingdom purposes (no matter what career I would end up). It was quite eye-opening for me to learn that God wanted me (as he does for everyone) to live for his Kingdom purposes. I used to think that was only for special people. But that was an empowering lesson for me through my involvement with InterVarsity. Instead of going into a career in accounting, I choose to go on staff with InterVarsity and begin a ministry career. In my last year of my commitment to InterVarsity, I accompanied a team of InterVarsity staff and student for a summer global project to Kenya where my eyes were further opened to all God is doing through his church around the world. I made a commitment to a life using my gifts and training to serve and support Christian brothers and sisters all over the world who are boldly proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus where God calls them.
What is the main story you want to share with the world through your book?
The main story I want to share with my readers through my book is that missional leadership is not developed primarily through training, workshops, or formal education, even though these opportunities greatly enhance a leader's growth. Significantly, missional leadership is developed through spiritual formation in the context of a missional community. The burden of leadership in missions is a communal burden lived out through hospitality, servantship, and peacemaking. It is not a burden for any one person to carry alone. The world is too complex and God's mission to too grand for anyone to think they can lead individually. We must allow the Holy Spirit to work through the community of God's people who he has gifted and equipped to serve the mission of God.
If you had an opportunity to share just ONE message with the WHOLE WORLD, what would it be?
I would want to share with the world that God wants to redeem people to their glory as image bearers of God to cultivate and maintain God's goodness in this world through Jesus Christ, our King, through the resurrection power of his Holy Spirit. True flourishing in the Kingdom of God is not gained by power or celebrity, but through a cross-shaped life that reflects the beauty and honor of King Jesus.
What does family mean to you? Tell us about your family.
My Mom has modeled a simple faith and trust in Jesus, even when life doesn't make sense. My Dad has taught me about selfless humility and being there for others. My older sister has always been one of my best friends. I'm grateful for the safety net and the welcome that my family always represents for me in the midst of a life that takes me all over the world!
Leadership - Coaching & Training- content developer
2 年Congratulations Lee...may the Lord use you and reveal his purpose to the church ....
Ministry Coordinator at Bible League International
2 年Congratulations