The LECturn: Resourcefulness

The LECturn: Resourcefulness

In virtuousCITY Forward, I noted the launching of The LECturn; blog articles short, surgical and value-driven for real time and the real-world.... drawing on 40+ years in leadership training and development. This is Episode 1 and I begin by acknowledging that (as I have said before) this below is my consciously chosen Code, towards which I strive in personal and professional conduct.

These words are a journey of perfecting, not a destination of perfection. The former is our best reality. The latter is myth. I am certainly not perfect in manifesting nor practicing these words, but I commit to a lifetime of perfecting on them. That said, and for this inaugural Episode, I draw attention to the very first sentence above... as I believe and contend humbly that it speaks to a true and deep sense of what we often refer to as a mindset of "abundance".

Generosity, Thankfulness and Abundance

To be generous in prosperity speaks to such a sense of abundance. Then again, to be thankful in adversity does ever more so. Keep in mind that being thankful "in" adversity is different from being thankful "for" adversity. These words above speak to the notion that, amidst adversity, we need strive to be thankful... and that challenges us to consider our own reservoir of that for which we are thankful. Therein, we discover the power of a true sense of abundance. What we are facing might be challenging, but we bring much to the proverbial table.

Enter Resourcefulness

The LECturn offers up thought for Leaducators, Emergents and Communitrepreneurs around Character, Purpose and Unity as 3 fundamental forces for leadership at home, school, work, business and community. That in mind and heart, I invite you to imagine what being "generous in prosperity" might look like in terms of your resources offered... not simply money, but time and effort and Spirit. Now, imagine what being "thankful in adversity" might look like, in the face of challenge. What resources can you draw upon amidst challenge... what elements of Character, Ability, Skill and Knowledge...

... can you bring to that table... what others resources can you bring in people and more? It is my observation, experience and education that many a "success story" started with Resourcefulness.

I have long believed and said that it is less about our resources and more about our Resourcefulness. It matters less on what we do not have, and more on what we do have... and what we do with it. I have witnessed such Strength in people I have known and respected and loved personally ... and in the work of those I do not know but Respect, from afar.

My continuing exploration of Stoicism tells me that such Resourcefulness is a deep strength of Character. At home, school, work, business, and community... what would Resourcefulness look like to you, in practice... and how might that advance your Generosity and Thankfulness... and your own true sense of abundance? I offer that we each make an inventory of Strengths... to be thankful, resourceful and ready.

I invite you to reflect on same, as part of your Chief Task. Until next time...

Justice, Peace and Unity...

Barry Lewis Green, aka The Unity Guy with Epic Engage

Here are some other offerings to possibly consider...


And some thoughtful resources...

Oh, and and Music... yes Music...


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