The LECturn: On Execution
Barry Lewis Green
Educator, Speaker, Coach, Writer, Creator ... advancing Character Leadership and Education ... to move forward together, stronger ... engaging change.
Any kind of real "achievement" requires Execution. Deeds, over words. Consistent effort defines outcome. Times of change and challenge demand new habits and actions, requiring Execution. Continuing with The LECturn... this Weekend I was inspired after an engaging online and group-based 3 hour session with Linda Kavelin-Popov ... to reflect and consider on Character and Execution. I have long contended that Character, Purpose and Unity are fundamental forces for leadership. Enter Character-driven Execution. And so, I then posted on LinkedIn:
"Yesterday evening, I had the good fortune, blessing and Wisdom to attend a session led by Linda Kavelin-Popov organized by Dara Feldman and Dave Feldman ... focusing on reflections from the year past and forward... and drawing upon the 5 Strategies of The Virtues Project.... including what is called a 5 Card Spread. I have deeply respected and believed in this body of work since 2002. I have been a practitioner, Facilitator and Master Facilitator of this deep and rich content. That said, yesterday I had the opportunity to apply such to my own Next Chapter... and found new insights.
With a 5 Card Spread, you essentially focus on a matter ahead... in this case, my personal and professional Vision created through my (now) developing tangling art. You meditate on same (your matter of Consideration) and then draw Virtues cards for...
And then I did a Virtues pick for the Year. Assertiveness was the result. A Year of practice around same. While I have long practiced Courage and developed a strong and healthy sense of Confidence ... this speaks to me of taking on new Paths with same. Uncharted territory. New manifestations of Service. Learning anew, assertively.
With a clear vision in head and heart, now it is about execution and learning along the way. The 5 Card Spread and the Virtue of the Year help immeasurably for me now. I recommend the exercise wholeheartedly."
That All Said
Character is a powerful and foundational piece to execution. It matters. I suggest that it is a huge part of our chief task in Life. The 5 Card Spread can serve to identify what aspects of Character (what Virtues) are being called to action in moving on a matter of meaning. Take the time to consider a meaningful matter ahead that requires your best attention and intention. Then do the 5 Card Spread. And engage the Execution, with Character.
Justice, Peace and Unity...