Lecture series: Diversity in the center of research
Armanda Pilinger
Inklusion bringt Innovation! #Equity #Inclusion #Diversity #DualCareer
Professor Berg Gabriele , head of the Institute for Environmental Biotechnology and one of our most cited researchers, opens our lecture series Diversity at the center of research tomorrow,
Wednesday, 15.3., 5.30 p.m, with her lecture on microbial diversity and its inpact on our health.
Seven more lectures by equally outstanding scientists will follow by Sarina G. , Corina Klug , Christina Hopfe , Aglaee Degros , Barbara Schuppler , Stefan Thonhauser and Christine W?chter. The speakers will provide #insights into their current #research and show how they address diversity and how it adds value to their research and creates more #innvoation.
Everyone is welcome! The lectures do not require specialist knowledge and are aimed at a broad TU Graz internal and external public (talk 04 and 05 are in English). Furthermore, the talks are part of the seminar with the same title (Seminar no. 706.079, 2 ECTS, free elective) by Christine W?chter from our STS Unit, which is open to all students of TU Graz.
After the talks there will be an opportunity for informal exchange over drinks and snacks. Here you will find more information.
Registration: [email protected]