Lectora 17 Inspire for Responsive eLearning Courseware Development
Trivantis is one of the long-established brands in eLearning Industry. Lectora Desktop 17, popularly known as Lectora 17 Inspire is the latest version of Lectora from Trivantis.
Lectora 17 Inspire, a powerful desktop course authoring application, provides every feature required to develop custom eLearning solutions. Lectora 17 Inspire is incorporated with Responsive Course Design approach – this enables eLearning developers to create mobile-friendly eLearning or mLearning courses.
The distinguishing feature of Lectora 17 Inspire is…
“Responsive Course Design and BranchTrack (for scenario-based eLearning) are the two major attractions in Lectora 17 Inspire. Video Auto-Play is another feature that adds significant value to mobile-friendly course development capability”.