If Lebanon was a company.... part 2 of forever
khaldoun hallak
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“Socrates to Glaucon: Good men must be forced to rule, since they are not willing to rule for money or honor (347b-e)”
Plato’s republic has 3 distinct classes: Rulers, guardians, and producers, simplifying what is a very complex philosopher. let's consider it as our “clarity in job description” model; if you are a guardian you can’t be a ruler or a producer and same if you are a ruler, you can’t be a producer or a guardian. Unlike the current status of Lebanon where political lords own businesses that have conflict of interest with the ruler role and the Polis and same for the conflict between a ruler and a guardian at the same time.
N.B: Political critics in Lebanon should be eradicated until a philosopher critic’s society is established. Critics need certification to be able to talk in the media, otherwise, mayhem like what’s happening now! Fashion influencers and comedians become political influencers, Socrates is twitching in his grave.
Lebanon structure and governance (the rulers):
No company, corporation, or country can function properly without a resolution mindset unless it is a totalitarian regime, this is why the current “functioning states” in the middle east are “Presidential/Prince” regimes and all "democratic" regimes are in chaos and conflict.
Lebanese tried to eradicate each other & failed miserably; we have 15 years of destruction to prove it and 120,000 deaths to mourn that remind us of the brutality of such “BELIEF”. We are all Lebanese as this is how the French intended IT to be and we love every single square INCH of our Lebanon.
I cherish our land and not willing to give up an inch of it!
With this resolution mindset, comes governance and the will to run this country jointly and with no segregation except on the merit of knowledge and the right person in the right place.
Transition Board of Directors (Founding Father Congress):
The country can’t be managed except if the leaders of the sects meet and resolve their issues clearly and straightforwardly. They need to do it in a forum and that forum is the FFC, away from the public and media, which will be the protector of the vision (refer to part 1) and the custodian of the merit system. democracy in this Congress will rule and govern decisions. The founding fathers are the sect leaders themselves and not representatives of them. 17 sects, 17 founding fathers + the President (having two votes instead of one & elected by the FFC). The president will be one of these founding fathers during the transitional phase allowing for 17x4 (not 6)years (renewable once like the USA system) 68 years of transition circulating between sects until uphoria of full fledge democracy.
This transitional board will be responsible for setting the course of a new Lebanon strong and advanced with equality between all its residents and citizens irrespective of their background.
Founding Fathers Congress will have the following priorities:
- Secure and free every inch of the Lebanese territory. Resistance is a way of life and a strength for Lebanon and not a conflict. Eventually, this resistance will become part of the guardians of the Polis. Protectors of the city will ensure a retaliation power so that no one- and I repeat no one- will ponder the idea of harming Lebanon.
- Eradicate sectarianism, racism, and ensure inclusive culture hence, separating the state from religion and establishing the secular political system based on merit.
- Specialized education structure that supports the Republic since the early stages of people’s lives. The guardians, like the Spartans, will be trained since early ages and will join the ranks of the military and police. Can you imagine a Spartan warrior as your police officer?
- Establish committees to hold the cabinet accountable for all aspects of life.
- appoint a CEO (Prime minister) who can abolish corruption and increase country's revenues and wellbeing.
CEO, a philosopher-king/queen, will be appointed by the FFC (non-board member) who has a track record in integrity, accountability, justice, national pride, credibility in needed expertise and leadership.
The CEO position (Prime Minister) same as the president, should not be reserved for any sect and voted in by the FFC (equal votes except for the President 2 votes if he was as well a sect leader). Merit and expertise and loyalty should be the decisive considerations for this position.
Once the CEO(Prime Minister) is sworn in:
- Fix the revenue stream and modernize the state by abolishing corruption through technology. Conducting your paperwork through apps and online platforms reduce human input and interaction. It’s either compliant or not.
- He/she will have the authority to appoint a cabinet that is harmonious and can deliver the results.
- The strategy plan will be presented to the FFC for approval and sign-off on budgets.
- The cabinet will establish clear deliverables of the strategy plan aligned with the vision and mission (in part1) that covers its full mandate and in case of change of faces, and since the strat plan is approved by the FFC, the new face will be responsible for keeping the direction of the strat plan.
- Integrating the resistance into the Lebanese army with exceptional status to have a clear cut guardian class that protects the Polis.
- Create a modern national educational system that promotes country's vision and removes all sectarian related teachings. Specialized Class Education through the transition phase will be key to create a highly trained and educated populace. Choosing which class to be in early on in your life is key for professionalism. I heard you need 1000 hours to become a professional at what the task in hand, meaning you need to start at the age of 9 to become professional adult.
- Appointing a judicial system that is transparent with a candid selection process and without names or preferences (online applications anonymous). The judicial system will hold all the populace including the rulers & guardians to accountability and ensuring clear separation between the classes.
The first thing that comes to mind when you are reading this article, is that am I abolishing democracy? My answer is YES and a BIG YES!
Why? Because the current democratic system and loyalties will produce the same type of leaders and faces, hence it’s a self-fulfilling prophecy and it’s like beating a dead horse, or doing the same thing and expecting different results, Madmen and women.
What will the FFC resolve?
- No elections, hence people will stop worrying about bringing in their leader to power, therefore, the instinctive survival mode will be dropped and over the course of 70 odd years, the sect loyalty will be neutralized.
- 1 of 17 voting right will dilute the power and strength of the sect leaders and will dilute the strength of the top 3 sects in Lebanon & truly start establishing a secular society that separates state from religion.
- Circulation of rulers will become a habit and after 70 years, a new electoral system can be introduced after educating the public to think and not to follow. Trust will be restored over time.
- Building trust in the system and the process by putting all the red flags in the new constitution and national pact. No Lebanese should be threatened from being abolished and eradicated. The death penalty for the offenders & should be considered as a grand treason.
Rulers are set, guardians are set, & producers are set with no individual holding two classes at the same time. If you decide to become a producer, then you have to exit your other class whether guardian or ruler.
To be continued….. forever!
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4 年An incisive analysis and interesting solution to a perennial problem that plagues many other countries as well.