Leave Your Problems On the Doorstep
Do you ever feel that you’re carrying a heavy burden on your shoulders and that you’re never free from the weight of your problems? It’s a very common phenomenon these days because we’ve forgotten how to let go of the daily round of worries, pressures and difficulties. No wonder our sleep is compromised and our health is suffering. We hold onto our anxieties and rarely create the space in which can breathe freely and experience a welcome relief from the trials and troubles of the day. Have you noticed this? As for our reliance on prescription medication to take the edge of our stress and help us sleep, we know that the drugs are not helping to solve the problem. Perhaps there’s a better way to consider.
We’re all creatures of habit. We follow familiar behaviours because they require less effort to maintain than a regular adjustment to our thought processes. Yet, the fact that we easily fall into regular patterns of behaviour can be used for our advantage. It’s possible to develop responses that are better suited to our interests. We can choose to create a liminal threshold at our front door so that we remember to detach ourselves from any domestic problems when we leave the house. It’s a simple way to signal a change in our thought processes where the conscious mind is released from the burdens of our private lives and we can prepare ourselves fully to focus our attention on work. The same principle applies when we return home and leave all the frustrations of our working day behind as we enter the house.
In realty, everything is connected so the division between our working and private lives is not so well defined. But it’s an effective way to draw a line between competing areas of tension and a simple technique for creating space in which we can appreciate our challenges with a degree of objectivity, detachment and creativity. It’s an approach that the subconscious can also recognise as you learn to apply a broader range of choices to your emotional responses. When we add the worries of our home life to the stresses of work, the combination can prove to be excessive. Separating the two areas where we spend most of our lives can help us to enjoy a better sense of control over our circumstances and provide us with the means to evaluate our situation with clam, clarity and emotional composure. Put a note on your door today to remind you to leave your problems on the doorstep.?