Leave It Better Than You Found It | Behind The J
It's Jeristotle
Artist | Entrepreneur | Non-Profit Founder - Inspiring greatness through words, music, and film
Written April 5th 2020
I feel like I’m always looking for something yet I know the finding isn’t in the looking. I like the activity. The feeling of being busy is like a drug for those too proud to do actual drugs. It’s a status symbol that usually gets you a higher mortgage payment as a reward.
I’m trying to find the answers to this issue in the nothingness. I wonder if the people sitting mindlessly watching Netflix have it all figured out in the end cause truly what really matters in this world.
Like the parable of the fisherman and the savvy business man what is the point of working hard and building an empire so one day you can retire on an island with a fishing boat when you could just go to the island now.
What is the true point of struggle and growth when at the end you will end up in the same place as the junkie with the needles. On the flip side Martin Luther King Jr. said "Even if the world ends tomorrow I’ll still plant my apple tree."
Maybe that’s the point of it all.
It’s not about you but about how you leave it behind after you’re gone. Maybe my Dad had it right when he always told me “Leave it better than you found it.”