The Least Talked About Vehicle Hazard
In today's everyone is talking about distracted driving. However, there is a common hazard that most people don't think about or consider a hazard when driving. How many times have you ever thought about the floor mats in your vehicle causing an accident? Accidents caused by floor mats can be very and might be more common than you think. I can remember 2 vehicle incidents caused by mats, both of the incidents turned out to be minor accidents but could have been much worse. A was wedged where it was pressing the accelerator of the vehicle on the interstate. When the vehicle kept gaining speed the person lost control of the car and eventually crashed in the median with minor damage. The other person had the mat wedge under the brake pedal so when they went to stop, the brake pedal didn't work, and they ran into the back of someone. Both incidents could have been prevented if they had thought about it.
By using the strategies below you might be able to prevent this type of incident and take it from the least talked about hazards to one of the most talked about. Here are the strategies:
- Floor mats need to be maintained in a condition where they cannot shift into a position where they interfere with the accelerator, brake pedal, clutch pedal or any other device that controls operation of the vehicle.
- Never use more than one set of floor mats at a time.
- In addition, floor mats shall be kept in a condition so they do not have excessive wear like holes, tears, excess dirt, grease, hydraulic fluid etc.
- Floor mat retention clips that are used to control the movement of the mats must be used, kept in good operating condition and properly utilized. Rubber underside grips on mats must be in good condition, no cuts or tears, and able to operate as intended.
- Never use towels on top of floor mats or to do the job of a mat.
- Any floor mats that do not meet the standards above should be removed from the vehicle and replaced immediately.
- It is also a good idea to that the interior of vehicles free of trash, bottles, cans, and any other material that may also interfere or obstruct controls in the vehicle.
Use these strategies above to remind your employees the importance of checking your mats.
Aloha, David
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