At Least One Like-Minded
We likely had another day with record-breaking temps, and of course everyone's been happy about it being above freezing, but on the down-side, we have trees, shrubs and plants that are likely reacting to the now unfrozen soil, added moisture and climbing temps. If we should happen to get the near fifty degree temps this coming week, don't be surprised if you happen to notice iris and tulip shoots reaching up out of the soil, and possibly even magnolia trees preparing to bloom. Yes, we've had really warm late winter days, but this is not late winter, so it'll be interesting to see how they'll be reacting once Spring does arrive.
I happened to read an article several days ago about the does and don'ts regarding the harvesting, storing, soil prepping and planting of acorns. I did manage to pick up a few tips regarding how deep to plant them if there are gophers and ground squirrels in the area, along with instructions on protecting the young plants against those ever-grazing rabbits and deer. It's no wonder oak trees produce so many acorns whenever they decide it's time to create a canopy of acorns, because between the squirrels, crows, ground squirrels, field mice, and deer, there's likely a small percentage that even have opportunities to germinate. I also found a number of acorns also having some sort of larvae living inside their shells, and believe me, they get to be almost the size of small white maggots. So as soon as I'm able to get the soil prepped early this Spring, I'm gonna be doing some random planting of Red Oak, Burr Oak and White Oak acorns. For sure it'll be interesting to see how many germinate and make it past their first year's growth.
With several hours to kill, I went over to that paying-it-forward project and gave everything a good wiping-down, and then gathered up my cleaning supplies and everything else I'd put to use, and walked out knowing I'd done more than I ever would've considered in the beginning, and believe me, I ended up with a few 'war wounds', just as a long-term reminder. Oh well, it was a job well done and time to once again more forward.
When I arrived back at office, it was nearing the hour when those two clarinetists would be dropping by, so I made sure I had everything ready for them, and luckily the newbie got there a little early, which gave me time to go over a few things, along with playing thru their accompaniment. When the second arrived, we had a short chat and then began our practice session. After running thru it about four times we were well up to speed on it, but just for the sake of being fully familiar and comfortable with the each other's playing and the piece itself, we scheduled one more meeting for early next week, and then likely the following Sunday, we'll be performing together at St. Paul Lutheran. I'm actually looking forward to it. At one point in time during our practice session, I was actually getting goosebumps which for me, always means something's sounding pretty darned good.
I finally received the title instructions from the selling agent on 315 Parkridge Drive, so I prepared my own accompanying sheet, grabbed the updated abstract and then headed over to the offices of the title attorney the buyer was asking to review it, and since the attorney was with clients when I arrived, I dropped it off with their receptionist and walked back to office where I then sent a follow-up email to the attorney with a few more bits of useful information. There's nothing wrong with information overloads when it comes to preparing for closings because it ensures against oversights.
We're still getting showings scheduled for 1012 N. Carolina, so hopefully that'll go under contract more sooner than later. I still can't understand why that home is still on the market, and the only thing I can think of, is that outside basement entrance with its curved metal canopy for a roof, and if that's what's causing it not to sell, then the bulk of today's buyers have definitely lost their ability to envision. Because I like to garden, and believe me, that big yard's a perfect blank canvas for any grower; I'd leave that stone basement where it is, but remove that curved-metal roof and replace it with something more architecturally fitting to the home's design. There's gotta be at least one like-minded buyer out there.
There wasn't much else happening in yours truly's world today, and likely because it was gray and a bit foggy most of the time. I'm so looking forward to seeing the longer sun-filled days, but at least they're getting longer with our sun's slow but steady journey north.
Tonight's One-liner is: Worthless people live only to eat and drink, whereas people of worth, eat and drink only to live.
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