At Least 7 Good Reasons to Attend the First Annual WWDVC EU
Sanjay Pande
Chief of Marketing and Product Strategy at Data Vault Alliance, Data Vault 2.0 Authorized Instructor, DV 2.0 Certified Master
The World Wide Data Vault Consortium has been the premier and only Data Vault focused conference in the world for 6 straight years. It has garnered repeat attendance consistently. By popular demand the EU folks wanted to have a conference in Europe. ScaleFree stepped up to the plate to organize this as the debut of the EU conference.
Here's at least a few reasons why you don't want to miss this event:
1. Data Vault 2.0, Blockchain and Real-Time by Dr Alexander Brunner - In this state-of-the art use case, the Data Vault 2.0 System of Business Intelligence is applied to extract Information from Etherium-blockchain data in near real-time. Thereby, the ingestion of semi-structured data is covered as well its processing on an MPP-system. In addition, the talk provides tips and tricks for Greenplum databases.
2. Modern Data Architecture with the father of data warehousing - The legendary father of data warehousing will talk about modern data architecture that can make sense of text that goes way beyond what is being done in academic research from a practical perspective and how organizations can benefit tremendously by using textual analytics.
3. Agile Way of Working with Scott Ambler - Learn about the shortcomings of using something like Scrum or SAFe. Discover how you can break out of the "method prison" by using something much more practical called Guided Continuous Improvement (GCI) and why Scott calls it a Kaizen loop on steroids. You do not want to miss this talk.
4. Schema-on-Read with Kent Graziano - Do you have data in Schema-on-Read format? Are you going to get data in Schema-on-Read format? Will you need to deal with it in your data systems? Then, you need to listen to Data Vault Master Kent Graziano.
5. GDPR and DV 2.0 with Matthias Wegner - Find out how they address GDPR requirements and which role Talend plays in this project. They'll show how easy it is to virtualize the access layer through the database switch to Exasol.
6. Flexibility, Scalabily and Handling Increasing Requirements During a PoC - Milan Steinhauer and Annekathrin Meinzer will present their experiences about how they set up their project for choosing the technology and what challenges they met. If you want to hear about the challenges they had migrating from existing technologies to the cloud, you do not want to miss this talk.
7. Time Travel Using Qlik on Data Vault - With Qlik, thanks to the Associative Engine, it is possible to capture all the changes into a dashboard, and give to the end users the possibility to interactively choose a Point In Time. The presentation will include a live demo: how to travel in time by simply moving a slider. How cool is that? Don't miss out.
And, that's not even half of it.
See the full agenda to learn more by clicking here
Did you know WhereScape, VaultSpeed, MongoDB, Datavault Builder, Snowflake, Areto Consulting, Exasol, Cimt, Erwin, Infomotion and Pivotal Greenplum are sponsoring the event which is the highest number of sponsors to a WWDVC event yet. There may be are a few sponsored slots still there for the taking at WWDVC EU Sponsors
Many of them have pre-conference hand-on sessions which you definitely do not want to miss.
Did I tell you about the hit event "Data Vault Games" by DV 2.0 authorized instructor Cindi Meyersohn at WWDVC 2019? Guess what. She's doing it again and it was absolutely fantastic. Everyone had fun, while learning to be an agile team.
There's so much more such as the best networking in the industry bar none, sponsored dinners, interaction with fellow members of the Data Vault community, experiencing the new tooling from the vendors, real data vault experience from both the speakers and the audience that you should definitely check it out.
There are so many sessions I didn't even write about above that are not to be missed, but if you are already in the EU, then there's no excuse to not attend the only Data Vault focused event in the world. And, even if you're in North America, getting to Europe is so easy that it's a no brainer to go and attend.
Are there tickets still available?
I don't know.
You'll have to find out yourself by visiting
If the past is any indication of the future, then this is slated to be better than the previous event. Continuous improvement. But, then you already know that didn't you.
You really don't want to miss out!
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5 年congratulations sanjay