We interrupt your regular written content to bring you...videos!
I am reminded daily through social media that those lucky enough to be able to continue studying may be feeling a little lost, anxious and alone during these uncertain times - and new systems and ways of learning may be contributing to that. I've realised that I might be able to help in a small way combat that type of isolation or anxiety. So, with that in mind, I'm filming a few videos chatting to you about how to make the best of the new systems, tips and tricks and how to structure these coming weeks to stay healthy, productive and happy.
If you're looking for other practical and positive ways to approach the pandemic, I wrote this (note: written on 15th March).
The first video contained tips, tricks and to-dos to make the most of your online classes.
The second was all about how to use structure and scheduling to ensure you stay balanced, on top and steady.
The third one gives you some inspiration for how to stay sane and connected during lockdown - it's a whistle-stop tour of a few things that might feed the different parts of you.
The next videos will be on tips to keep motivated, and the final one on revising and taking exams. These are yet to be published, but keep your eyes peeled.
Find them all on the dedicated blog page here...