Learnings during the lockdown

Learnings during the lockdown

Some of the greatest people wrote books while in confinement. The list includes Gandhi, Mandela and Martin Luther King Jr. to name a few. With my family in another part of the country and me having to spend the last few weeks in a lock down, my life feels like solitary confinement. I am all by myself without anyone to interact with. It therefore warrants some kind of literary output. This is my attempt to put on paper some thoughts and learnings. I hope you find them useful.

To say that our lives are different would be an understatement. How different is our life now? Below is a rough break up of a typical weekday for me. Let me explain the differences.

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1. Lesser Items: The first thing you will notice is that there are fewer categories in the ‘after’ state. Lesser variety could make a us feel a sense of monotony. And, if a couple of items are energy sapping, then you are in for long and sad weeks ahead. The workaround is very simple. My old friend and colleague Kunaal Pandya mentioned this about work-life balance, “Have something to do and do something to have”. He meant that, firstly we need to figure out what we want to do if we had free time. That I feel is very important. We need to think of small items that we would like to get good at over time. Once we figure out what we want to do, then the second thing to do is to find the time to do it. Over the past few weeks I have picked up a few new songs on the guitar and discovered new music. That said, I also have that unread book on Deep Learning, another one on cognitive biases and the two hours spent on Netflix. I could have used my time to really get good at something. Remember, when this situation ends, when we get back to our daily routine, we really want to be better than before.

Learning: “Have something to do and do something to have”

2. Multi-Tasking: The biggest benefit of working from home is the ability to multitask without losing productivity. I am able to listen to music while washing dishes, participate in a call while cooking or eating, take a brisk walk while doing a 1:1. All of these are win-win and you can achieve a lot more in the time that you have. In addition, some mundane activities are suddenly more fun! And you get the satisfaction of being more productive.

Learning: Multitasking can add fun to mundane activities

3. Work-life Integration: When your office, your gym, your restaurant, your classroom are all one place, then it becomes impossible to tell the difference between work and life. They are all mixed up into one big blob. We struggle to figure out when to start work, when to end, whether to feel guilty about something done in the daytime etc, etc.  Instead of fighting this mixed up life, I encourage you to embrace it. It is a beautiful gift of flexibility that might never come again. If you need to buy groceries in the middle of the day, please go ahead. If you need to take that call on Saturday night, go ahead. Had a long night? Feel free to wake up late. Need to write a long article? The middle of the night is perfectly fine. The more you try to detangle work and life, the more you will struggle. Just enjoy the flexibility. Work hard, meet your work goals, live hard, achieve your life goals, do them together, without compromising either. It’s easy if you try.

Learning: Work-life integration is the gift of flexibility. Enjoy it while it lasts.

4. Longer Workday: COVID-19 has made life difficult for most businesses. As we work towards responding to the fast-changing situation on the ground, our workday seems to have gotten longer. As companies struggle, the inputs we give become even more important. It’s okay to work longer. Your extra hours are really useful. If work is making you feel stressed or depressed, please read my next point.

Longer work hours could also be a function of the fact that there is not much else to do outside of work. This warrants a separate deep dive that I have covered later in this document.

Learning: Your company needs your help as it responds to these difficult situations

5. Exercise: The current situation has introduced a lot of stress and negativity into our lives. All of us need ways to reduce the stress and negativity. Exercise has been a saviour for me. The energy and positivity I gain from each session keeps me going until the next day. I joined Cult.fit earlier this year and have been a huge fan of the franchise. Their online classes have been a lifesaver for me. The HRX classes help build your muscle using your body weight but I have gotten more comfortable with the dance fitness sessions. You get your exercise and at the same time get to perform some moves the next time you are allowed on the dance floor. Multitasking wins again.

To repeat myself, once this situation ends, we want to be able to get back to regular life a better version of ourselves. Choose a way to get better and stay focussed.  

There is a more important message here. All of us need to find ways to get positivity into us. Otherwise, with limited options, negativity will grow. Talk to others and get help if needed. Don’t depend alcohol if you are unhappy. The effects don’t last, and you might end up feeling worse. Find an activity that can bring positivity into your day and do it every day.

Learning: Every day, you need to do something that increases your happiness

6. Chores: Chores! They add dullness to an already grim situation. I drag myself through this part of the day. For those who need some motivation to start the chores. Please watch this inspiring video from US Navy Admiral, William McRaven titled “If you want to change the world, start off by making your bed”

Now, the cook, maid and gardener are all safe in their villages, but their work has fallen onto my hands. I am doing a shoddy job of it and living life doing the bare minimum. Every day, I am thankful that I don’t have to do these chores on a normal day.

The more chores I do, the more I feel appreciative of the effort that my wife puts in to maintain the house. Although today, I (arguably) do my share of work around the house, it has been a long journey. Please google the term “invisible labour”. One article defined it as, “Tasks or obligations that others take for granted or fail to understand”. Another article captured the essence of this word by defining it as, “The never-ending, sometimes soul-crushing to-do list that women manage in order to keep their children thriving and households running smoothly.” Life is tough for women because there seems to be an unsaid understanding that some kind of work needs to be done by them. And the worst part is that the efforts go unnoticed. It’s the men’s responsibility to first and foremost share the load. Once that is done, please show some appreciation.

Learning: Please appreciate the primary caregiver of the house. They do infinite work.

7. COVID-19 Research: I realised that I have been spending a ton of time researching the virus, the disease, the treatments and what not. Several times a day, I am compelled to track the number of cases in India as well as several other countries. I participate in long and diverse WhatsApp discussions. I fact-check forwards and shame the senders. I add fuel to wild theories. Spending upwards of an hour a day on this is a lot. If I ask myself how much time one should spend on keeping up with the happenings, the answer would be nothing more than 10-15 mins a day. If I ask myself, if it makes me happy, the answer would be no.

I need to stop doing this. 45 mins on Cognitive Biases or Deep Learning are better options for sure.

Learning: Don’t overdo things especially if they make you unhappy.

8. Social Life and personal grooming: As an introvert, I feel very comfortable being by myself. However, it has been really tough to be by myself over the past few weeks. We pass by and say ‘hi’ to hundreds of people every day. Each tiny interaction adds energy to the day. I really miss the interactions. I miss the opportunities to get together with friends or eat out as a family. I had taken almost all of them for granted and now need to figure out a way to live life without these interactions. The reality is that we might continue in this state for several more weeks. It is important to get social life back but in an online format. Last Saturday I chatted with my college friends from 20 years ago. It was amazing for all of us to get together and talk from all over the world. I also tried having lunch with my family over video conference. It was a huge improvement over eating alone. I think we need to restart our social interactions using an online medium as we spend more and more time practising social distancing. Socialization is an important part of our lives and we should find ways to get it back.

One benefit of social distancing is the distance. You don’t have to spend any time in personal grooming. I get into video calls with colleagues just out of bed and both of us are comfortable with the situation. We don’t have to wear different clothes when we go to work. Home clothes are fine! I am unable to get a haircut. I haven’t felt the need to shave for three weeks. I’m enjoying that aspect of social distancing.

Learning: It’s okay to grow a beard or have a “home” look. Show it off when you videocall your friends.

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Part II: Now, let’s zoom a bit into how work has changed for me over the past few weeks. There are several big changes to how work has evolved.

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9. Video vs F2F meetings: Most of us now spend most of our workday on phone and video conferences. Conferencing software has made remote work possible. We couldn’t have any reasonable amount of collaboration without it.

Since people don’t have to walk from one meeting room to another, I have noticed that a lot more meetings are able to start on time. Also, since everyone is working from home, there is no case of the “conference room” dominating the conversation. Everyone has an equal say in the conversation. Participants are also a lot more focused in phone conferences since it is almost impossible to have a side conversation. All these aspects are making productivity better and meetings start on time and end early!

However, we are still a long way away from video calls being the primary way of conducting a meeting. Our internet connections don’t seem to be stable enough, our audio infrastructure is not good enough, the technology has glitches that make it difficult, people still haven’t figured out how best to use this technology. There is still a long way to go.

Learning: Video calls are good for remote collaboration. But once social distancing is over, I will be distancing myself from video calls.

10.  COVID Meetings: A significant chunk of our work has changed to how we respond to the rapidly changing situation due to COVID. There is a sense of purpose and urgency to these discussions. The whole company is rallying together and working really hard to make big changes in a short period of time. Just like people, the company is ‘staying healthy’ when the going is tough and is constantly improving so that we make full use of the situation that we are under.

Learning: Swiggy is constantly getting better despite because of the tough times

11.  Brainstorming: One struggle that I have faced and haven’t been able to overcome is the difficulty in collaborating for solutioning or for brainstorming. It is automatic for people to walk up to a white board and start a chain of thinking. White boards allow multiple people to write, erase and re-write at the same time. Online whiteboards are not really as good as the real ones and the online discussions seem to lack the same level of creativity. My team and I are struggling with this and would appreciate any help on this front.

Learning: It’s tough to brainstorm without being face to face

12.  1:1s: I have 1:1s with my direct reports 2-4 times a month. I talk with other managers once a month. My initial thought as we got into working from home was to postpone the 1:1s until a time when we were face to face. However, I did not postpone 1:1s for two main reasons. Firstly, we might not be face to face for several months. Going without 1:1s for so long could postpone valuable discussions. The second reason was that I felt that it is more important to talk now as people have a lot on their minds. I felt that it was important to communicate at this time. In addition to the usual discussions, I am using my 1:1s to provide clarity on what is happening, address concerns and to generally complain about COVID to each other.

Learning: Don’t skip your 1:1s

13.  More email: I seem to have received an answer to the question, “Could that meeting have been an email?”. The answer is yes but it need not be a good thing. In many cases, it is possible to make progress over email and save the time needed for the meeting. However, email has also replaced the 30 second hallway conversations thereby requiring people send, read and respond to lots more email than earlier. In addition, I have consciously tried to increase emails and texts to my team so that they are aware of the various moving parts in the company.

Learning: Emails can replace meetings – both the long ones as well as the tiny ones

14.  Team bonding: A lot of activities that we do as part of a normal day improve team bonding. Having lunch with the team, an informal conversation over tea and friendly banter in the conference room before the meeting starts are examples of what we do. The teams also played together, ate or drank together after work. Through several reviews, I was meeting the entire team face to face every fortnight. Working from home seems to have hurt that aspect quite a bit.

We are doing two things to see if we can work on this. Firstly, the weekly analytics manager meeting has been made into a twice-a-week meeting. So instead of running a tight schedule, it is now okay to have some informal conversations trickle in. A lot of my team members are also doing this. Secondly, our teams has started a twice-weekly meeting called “Chai pe charcha” where a bunch of people turn up on video, drink tea and chat. These are not really replacements for what we used to have but help us hold fort until we can be back together face to face.

Learning: Create a virtual adda where team members can hang out in an informal setting

15.  Unplanned catch ups: One big loss of productivity is the drastic reduction in the number of unplanned catch ups. Several times a day, I would be able to walk up to someone or vice versa and have a short discussion. That seems to be missing currently. A lot of people have complained about having to set up meetings for minor discussions. Two thoughts. Firstly, we can still set up a meeting for a short duration like 15 min and have the discussion. The busier person is then able to have several, shorter discussions in the day. The second is a concept called PUFP that I picked up at Mu Sigma and has helped me very well. PUFP stands for “Pick Up the F*ing Phone”. If you need to reach someone, just pick up the phone and call. I have had good success with doing my unplanned catch ups using unplanned phone calls.

Learning: Pick Up the Phone

Summary: Working remotely has been a strain on all of us. We have been forced to change our lifestyle and live a different life these past few weeks. The silver lining is that this is not forever. Things will get better. While, that happens, I would like to learn from the time we spend working remotely. Once this is over, I look forward to getting back as a better person to a better company.

David: this is excellent. Thoroughly enjoyed it and relate to it. It is about time for our long pending 1on1 discussion. Stay safe and healthy. Rajiv

Madhubalan Aravindhan

Bank of New York | AML | KYC | client Onboarding | PR | CIP | CDD | Transaction monitoring | QA | MIS | Sports | Events | Logistics | X- Athelete

4 年

what i like in this article is mostly Multitasking part :D

Satya Dixit

Solution Architect, Data

4 年

Thanks, David for sharing this. It's a very relatable and motivating read. Love all your points and favorites are #3 and #4. You nailed it. Embracing the flexibility is really important at these times and shall I say we owe it to our comrades, our company and our customers - to be the best of what we can be, no matter what.

Premal Desai

Head of Data & AI at The Gym Group

4 年

Look forward to discussing this and cocktails - either via VC or next time you’re in London!! ??

Arunava Mitra ????

Storyteller using data | Analytics Leader at Novartis | Patient Analytics | CSM | Proud NIT Silchar Alumnus

4 年

Woah David Is that you? You are giving solid goals to people!!!


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