Learning what, and to what end?
Garry Turner MCIPD
VP of Business Development x 3 | WorldBlu Leadership, Culture & Mindset | 20+ yrs Chemicals | 15+ yrs Pharma | 25+ yrs International Business Development | 4 x start/scale-up | Speaker | Thinking Partner | Facilitator
What does your Personal Learning Ecosystem (PLE) look and feel like?
OK, so yes I just made that up! however a personal learning ecosystem does sum up a realisation I have had over the past 24 hours.
Over the past 6 years, with much coaching, support and guidance, both on a 1-1 basis and from an increasingly global diverse network of peers, combined with boat loads of personal curiosity, intrigue and exploration, I have been developing and co-creating with many awesome humans around the world, a personal development and (start of) decolonisation learning platform aka YouTube channel!
Let me caveat that latter part.
I am NOT saying, nor will I EVER say, I am an expert (cultural pattern) nor leader of decolonial learning, however it is important to name these critical learning experiences as part of my personal learning ecosystem.
An emergent learning spiral
In the West we have whole industries dedicated to Learning and Development, HR and business Transformation, Organisational Design and Development, yet I am curious to what extent is that learning focused on maintaining the Western, more linear, guarantee-seeking, growth at all costs status quo, and to what extent is that learning designed to help us dismantle the status quo, with a view to reimagining anew in more interconnected, healthy, generative ways, with justice including just relations, equity and equality at the centre, with different modes of value exchange in addition and beyond just money.
In fact, I wrote some personal reflections around the topic and provocation of 'how colonised is our thinking in Western business and what may be the impact?'
One of the most important guides for me personally in recent years has been Samantha Suppiah who since Oct 2020 has bravely and awkwardly (for me and probably them!) walked a couple of hundred metres away, at my side, as I have made multiple mistakes developing 'right relationships' with humans in currently oppressed regions of this blue orb, regions where much of our Western so-called comfort originates from and is indeed predicated on.
Alongside this, the Possible Futures crew of which Sam is part and whom Anna Denardin, the regular genius artist behind all of my HEXO branding and all of the recent Community Campfire branding is part, as is Sahana Chattopadhyay, instructional designer, OD leader and storyteller who is also my live show co-host for Community Campfires and Hegemony Revealed, whom have all been major influences on my unlearning and learning in recent years.
I share about these incredible humans intentionally as the Possible Futures crew have their next cohort of the Intro to Decolonial Sustainability course enrolling until 8th Feb 2023 which can be found as below:
Journeying as both participant and a guest coach to the pilot course last year, I can assure you that your thinking, world views and the potentiality for reimagining beyond our conditioned ways in the West will be blown apart, uncomfortably, positively and constructively.
In fact this morning, a previous traveller during the pilot course Marina Schmitz shared the below post, with an invitation to sign up to the next cohort:
Back to my Personal Learning Ecosystem (PLE)
What my YouTube channel has housed on there, completely for FREE if you are curious, to bring my learning spirals over the past 6 years to life, is as follows:?
Learning focusing on and moving towards more decolonial, just and equitable ways of being and organising (more of a root cause focus) - Past 24 months and ongoing
The next live takes place on LinkedIn and on YouTube next Mon 30th Jan 2023 if interested:
Somewhat of a middle ground for me between more root cause focus and symptomatic – Pretty damn confusing to be honest in this messy in-between space! - the past 4 years-ish learning and ongoing
My earliest personal learning journey 'beyond the day job' started ~8 years ago and on reflection was all grounded, unsurprisingly, in more conditioned, Western hegemonic based leadership, organisational and personal development (I would assert that whilst still helpful, these are, generally, more symptomatic explorations rather than getting to the root cause systemic topics)
International Speaker and In-Person events
Below you can find a highlight reel from my speaking at Cornell Thomas's July 2022 New Jersey Positivity Summit:
A note that Cornell will be bringing his incredible Positivity Summit to the UK on Friday 28th April 2023 and I am pleased that the amazing Shelley Fletcher with be partnering with us at the always stunning Hethfelton House, alongside the Jim Cronin Memorial Fund.
?I am sharing all of this for three key reasons:
?1)???My reflection and realisation as to my journey from more conditioned, head-focused only, hegemonic learning and development focus towards a more intentionally just-centered, FELT, decolonial, increasingly whole-body (embodied) learning and development focus, whilst navigating the AND-ness of being in both and more, concurrent contexts, might be helpful to you. I wrote about the importance of embracing AND-ness, and actively challenging our binary conditioning. a while back if curious:
2)???Because there is so much valuable content, great humans for you to meet, to learn about and from
3) The fact that all of the above is available to you for FREE, nada, zero after years of energy and many thousands of hours and my finest colonial British pounds being invested
We are rapidly realising and remembering in the West the interconnectedness of all things and the opportunity for us all to unlearn our deeply conditioned patterns of thinking and behaviour, as I continue to work on these too.
In addition I also started writing on the medium blogging platform more regularly during the 2nd half of 2022 and it is interesting to me that the three most popular articles during those 6 months were as follows:
?-??????The Fakery of Modernity with 635 views was the most read.
?-??????Decolonising Chemistry with 554 views was the second most read article.
?-??????Ironically, or not in the spirit of this newsletter, Working Out Loud and Learning From The Crowd — An End Of year 2022 reflection was the third most read article with 392 views
What is very clear to me, and has been important to me, is that the ability to practice and remember our more creative energy, whether it be poetry, writing, intuitive live streams, exploratory podcasts coupled with the absence of conforming to fixed, linear, controlled outcomes has opened new worlds of learning, connection, relationships and potential that I never envisioned were available to me or us 5 years ago, and they are worlds well beyond our Western, often comfortable, linear paradigms.
To what end does any of this matter?
For me it matters as we are in a spiritual, economic, workplace and societal collapse in the West, something that we can either embrace, work with and sow seeds for future generations, or we can grab hold tightly to what we think comfort looks and feels like and stick our heads in the sand.
Heather Luna, another one of my coaches specifically helping me review and spot my own cultural, conditioned patterns of behaviour and the same in others, and whom is also a guest coach on the Possible Futures course, stated it powerfully a few months back when they stated "The Global South has been in a state of collapse for hundreds of years." .... directly linked to what we have been conditioned to see as 'normal' Western business as usual.
What we do and who we center during this incredibly potent period that we are alive, at this moment in time, is with each one of us, both individually and collectively.
However, my invitation to you is to get super curious, super creative and to actively seek and look well beyond your and our conditioned patterns of behaviour and thinking.
There is so much more to see, feel and understand than we have been allowed to even imagine.
Hoping the above serves you and happy week ahead.
Shall we connect?
My name is Garry Turner and I am a Disruption and Innovation Catalyst working at the intersection of International Sales, People and Culture, Equity & Inclusion and Sustainability:
Digital Business Card — https://link.v1ce.co.uk/GarryTurner?
Linktree — https://linktr.ee/HexoChangeGarryTurner