Learning a Tech Skill?
Elevation Craft
Empowering businesses to reach their full potential through exceptional talent, personalised HR policies and processes.
“LEARN A TECH SKILL” has become the new gospel. And it’s happening; lots of people are acquiring tech skills.
However, as a technical recruiter I can tell you for free that although the number of technical talents has increased globally, the tech needs of a lot of businesses are not being met. Companies have to comb through hundreds of tech talents to find a few exceptional ones.
Why? Because the “Learn a Tech Skill” trend has produced a lot of mediocrity in the tech space.
You see, when you try your hands on something for reasons other than passion or that it’s your calling, it shows. Passion is what makes you burn the candles because you’re searching for more, it’s the itch that makes you feel rusty and then drives you to do what it takes to be current.
So, if you’re a tech talent, know that the skill will only pay off if you know your onions. And if you’re planning to learn a tech skill, be sure that it’s for you and commit to being exceptional at it.
That being said, have a great week!
Yours truly,