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[Learning Sharing] || [Sharing Belajar]
At the SMK level, there is something called an Internship. After the activity, an activity report is published, which contains our activities during the Internship. There must be a topic that we must take to be the title of the information. Exactly last October 25, one of the students whom I often discussed with gave me news, saying that in her current year, there was an Internship Report Session. Just so you know, in my year, the Prakerin Report Session was not held again because of one thing or another. She was the one who panicked at that time. "Kak, I have a trial report, how about it? What will we discuss later?"
(Khusus di jenjang SMK itu ada yang namanya Prakerin, dan sehabis kegiatan itu terbitlah pembuatan laporan kegiatan yang isinya kegiatan-kegiatan kita selama Prakerin dan harus ada topik yang harus kita ambil untuk dijadikan judul laporannya. Tepat 25 Oktober yang lalu, salah satu siswa yang sering diskusi bareng sama saya itu kasih kabar ke saya katanya di tahun dia saat ini ada sidang laporan Prakerin gitu. FYI pas di tahun saya sidang laporan Prakerin belum dilaksanakan lagi karna ada satu atau lain hal. Dia yang saat itu panik "kak, saya ada sidang laporan, aduh gimana ya? Nanti bahas apa aja?.")
After she gave me the news, I immediately told him to calm down first, "oh there's another trial, okay, tonight I'm free, if you're available tonight, let's have a meeting to discuss the flow to the questions at the trial, okay?" With a relieved face, she said, "okay ka." So, we discussed the topic at the meeting according to the flow first. She was given a stipulation that the session presentation was only 15 minutes and how to present a report containing her activities in 15 minutes. She had already outlined the presentation, so we didn't waste much time at the meeting.
(Sehabis dia kasih kabar, saya langsung bilang ke dia buat tenang dulu "oh ada sidang lagi ya, yaudah malam ini saya lagi free, kalo kamu ada waktu malem ini kita gmeet buat bahas alur sampai pertanyaan pas sidang ya." Dengan muka yang lega dia bilang "okeeii ka." Nah pas gmeet kita bahas topik sama alurnya dulu, dan dia diberi ketentuan kalo presentasi sidangnya hanya 15 menit, gimana caranya dalam 15 menit presentasi laporan yang isinya mencakup kegiatannya. Ternyata dia udah buat outline presentasi, jadi pas gmeet kita ga banyak buang waktu).
We have finally made the flow of the presentation. It seems incomplete if I have yet to make a trial simulation so that she gets to know the atmosphere first. After the plot, I also made a list of questions that were sometimes out of topic. So I shared the screen timer at the meeting while opening her presents. Thank God he could present clearly within 11 minutes. Questions about the trial were outside of presentation time. During the session, the questions I asked started from the basics, such as units of measurement, and the flow of material analysis, to troubleshooting during the analysis process. And after the presentation simulation, we perform evaluations such as voice intonation, eye contact, and others.
(Alur presentasi akhirnya udah kita buat, kayanya kurang lengkap kalo saya belum buat simulasi sidangnya supaya seenggaknya dia mengenali dulu suasananya. Sehabis alur saya juga buat list pertanyaan yang kadang itu out of topic. Jadi saya share screen timer di gmeet sambil buka presentasi dia, alhamdulillah dia bisa presentasi dengan jelas dengan waktu 11 menit, pertanyaan seputar sidang itu di luar waktu presentasi. Saat sesi pertanyaan yang saya tanyain mulai dari basic seperti satuan pengukuran, alur analisis bahannya, sampai troubleshooting saat proses analisis. Dan setelah simulasi presentasi, kita adain evaluasi seperti intonasi suara, eye contact, dan lain-lain).
After the presentation, I also asked how the progress was. Thank God it went smoothly, but she could not answer some questions. For me, that was enough for her efforts to learn how to present. I'm sure what I'm doing will be a source of reward, and maybe in the future, I will be helped by other people who make me grow and be consistent.
(Setelah sidang saya juga menanyakan gimana progresnya, alhamdulillah berjalan dengan lancar tapi ada soal yang belum mampu dia jawab, bagi says itu sudah cukup buat usahanya belajar cara presentasi. Saya yakin apa yang saya lakukan ini akan menjadi sumber pahala dan mungkin di waktu yang akan datang saya pastinya akan di tolong oleh orang lain yang membuat says berkembang dan konsisten, aamiin).