Learning rust - Day 0
Immanuel John
Founder of Teckas Technologies | Software Engineer Specializing in Blockchain & Rust | Passionate About Tech Innovation
Hey community,
Currently I have got an opportunity to start learning Rust Programming Language which seems a very interesting language when compared to other high-level languages like Java, Javascript or Python.
Interestingly I popped out of an idea no where, why can't we put all our learnings as a small notes of each day's learning and in future that may be helpful for someone (atlease one)
So yes, that's the plan here. Instead of #100daysofcode, what I have planned is to have #NoZeroDaysOfCode in rust , so that I can be consistent enought without any pressure you know :D
This series of posts will be just a kind of notes which I learn daily in rust, which can motivate you to learn rust or it can help you to refer if you face any errors which I would've faced or it will help me for revisiting the topics. So that's a no-loss stuff.
By the way, rust provides a very good resource for learning by their official documentation. You can find that here.
Day 0 :
$ curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh
$ rustc --version
See you on Day 1