Learning reimagined in the Public Sector
Public Sector Network
Public Sector Network is a purpose-driven community of global experts, designed to move government from good to great.
At the recent Future of Learning and Development event, we heard from Geneviève Béland, Director, HR Programs and Development, from the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI), and Rhonda McGinnis, Director, Corporate Learning and Sector Research, from BC Public Service: Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD) about Strengthening workforce capabilities to thrive in the digital age.
Learning and development: some context
Learning and development (L&D) are the foundations of any organization. They drive knowledge and encourage continuous improvement. Some organizations spend significant time and resources building up their L&D, whilst others let it slide, and it is usually clear which ones have made the investment.
Two Canadian public sector organizations have recently realized that L&D should be more prevalent than it was, partly as a result of the pandemic, and have taken important strides to change their situations.?Geneviève Béland, the Director of HR Programs and Development at the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI), says that L&D is about taking “deliberate strategic approaches and investing in employees’ growth, while also meeting organizational objectives now and into the future.” For?Rhonda McGinnis, the Director of Corporate Learning and Sector Research at the BC Public Service: Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD), their new approach to L&D, inspired by the pandemic, is “actually about teaching people how to learn differently.” In a large public sector institution like theirs, this is going to be a complex process, and “we will need to provide a lot of support."
A New Approach to Learning and Development
Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions:
Geneviève Béland says that at OSFI, they’ve “been on a path of renewal since 2017.” The organization itself “was created in 1987” with a mandate “to protect the rights and interests of depositors, policyholders, financial institution creditors, and pension plan members, while allowing financial institutions to compete and take reasonable risks.” In other words, they are a regulator. The current workforce is “approximately 860 employees, of which 6% are executive people leaders.” The total number of employees has “almost doubled since the 2008 financial crisis.”
We continue to focus on initiatives to increase our capabilities. The pandemic has had an undeniable impact on us and has made us focus on how we learn, where we learn, why we learn and how fast we need to learn to thrive in this digital world.
The path to renewal was not a deliberate one. It began as an opportunity to “take stock” and as a check to ensure that “programs, policies, and practices were aligned to support what we wanted to achieve.” From the survey, which was designed to see “how we lead, manage and develop our people,” a strategy was developed with “five pillars of human capital: leadership, talent management, learning and development, culture and community building, and enterprise-wide change management.” By the time the pandemic hit in early 2020, “we were in the last year of our implementation.” It was an initial shock, but “the pandemic propelled us forward and quickened our pace of change.” What started out as an ad-hoc idea became a conscious plan when they realized that as a result of the pandemic, they needed “new skills to operate in this new world, but also needed to have a new approach for developing them.” This meant having “purposeful action and creating the foundation to change mindsets so that we could build our knowledge competencies for this modern digital world.” A new workforce strategy was therefore set up that was underpinned by four deliberative actions:
L&D encompasses many elements. To be successful, it needs to be in the constant consciousness of employees. Ultimately, L&D is about “shaping, influencing, building and creating enquiring mind-sets and skill development – core elements to building capability by design.”
BC Ministry of Children and Family Development
Rhonda McGinnis says that training in an employment context is one of the fundamentals of any organization. This is particularly true at MCFD because it is “bigger than most other Ministries,” complex and unique. MCFD has “5,500 employees, about 75% of whom are frontline service delivery staff.” They are spread out across 199 locations throughout BC, and generally have limited technological acumen and a very traditional learning style.” Until it was forced on some of them for instance, remote working was never even contemplated, whilst all learning occurred in classrooms. Beyond what was required by legislation for staff to maintain their credentials, L&D was rarely thought about too, and it was thought about even less for the 25% who are not frontline staff. Partly because of these attributes, about two years ago, “an organizational need and a gap was identified by the Ministry executive team.”
To fill the gap and ensure that L&D was prominent and relevant, a “Strategic Human Resources Branch” was created, with a director, three L&D consultants, and a training administrator. The first step was a “learning needs analysis and a public service audit.” Fortunately, all Ministries in BC have been “running work environment surveys since 2006 that give a snapshot of the state of engagement.” For the purposes of L&D, it took about six months to come up with “four foundational themes” based on the survey:
With these gaps identified, “a slimmed-down version of the Bersin high-impact learning organization maturity model” was applied. This has four levels of implementation and training, each one designed to show why training is important. In an organization the size of MCFD with so many frontline staff doing important work, taking people out for training needs to be justified and necessary. “You really need to make the case that there’s a real benefit to the children and families when we spend time and resources on our staff around learning.”
From the four foundational themes, a strategy was developed, which also has four continuous elements:
All four of these are on a continuous cycle,?underpinned by “evaluations and metrics, because if you don’t value or share how you’ve done and where you’ve seen some improvement, then it’s really difficult to keep the executive engaged in this.” This was a big change for the organization and a process that was completely new, but it had an “overwhelmingly positive response from the executive,” which made it easier to implement and showed that it was necessary because that energy “trickles down to employees.”
To really ensure that the strategy could be implemented, the new branch also “moved from a competency model to capabilities. Competencies were everywhere, but the problem was that they weren’t consistent.” Competencies were about aspirational objectives, and though they sound good, hiring managers often interpreted them individually and that created challenges.
"Capability is the condition of having the capacity to do something; competence is the improved version of that capability. Competency is the possession of the skills, knowledge, and capacity to fulfill current needs; capability focuses on the ability to develop and flex to meet future needs."
These capabilities feed directly into the LEAD model of MCFD capabilities: “Lead self,?Engage others,?Align business,?Develop strategically.” These capabilities apply across the Ministry, but they “are not role-specific.” They are designed to be bespoke to the Ministry but applicable to all roles. “We are currently developing an interactive self-assessment tool for each capability which will allow employees to identify where they need to focus their growth.” This will also develop a “common language and shared understanding of expectations across the organization.”
Although the strategy and all of these changes were developed across the organization, they also resulted in “two complementary programs” to enhance the learning. One is a “12-month, flexible, self-directed professional development series of virtual learning sessions led by subject matter leaders,” whilst the other one is “a more formalized leadership program for prioritized learning cohorts.” Both programs are being offered online, and it will “be very interesting to see how they run and develop because as much as 2020 changed many things, the MCFD has a very traditional learning style and that hasn’t really changed.”
Read more articles like this one here.
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