Learning to Rank with Genetic Programming

Learning to Rank with Genetic Programming

Learning to Rank with Genetic Programming (GP) is a relatively novel approach that applies the principles of genetic programming to the problem of ranking. Genetic programming is a type of evolutionary algorithm that evolves computer programs to perform a specific task. In the context of Learning to Rank, the "programs" are ranking functions that are evolved to optimize a particular ranking metric, such as NDCG (Normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain) or MAP (Mean Average Precision).

How It Works:

  1. Initialization: A population of random ranking functions is generated. These functions can be represented as trees, linear combinations of features, or any other form that can be evaluated.
  2. Evaluation: Each ranking function in the population is used to rank a set of training samples, and its performance is evaluated using a ranking metric.
  3. Selection: Ranking functions are selected to be parents based on their performance. Selection methods can include tournament selection, roulette wheel selection, etc.
  4. Crossover and Mutation: The selected parents are recombined (crossover) and possibly mutated to create a new generation of ranking functions.
  5. Replacement: The new generation replaces the old one, and the process is repeated until a stopping criterion is met.
  6. Result: The best-performing ranking function(s) are then used for ranking new, unseen data.


  1. Flexibility: Genetic programming allows for a wide range of ranking function forms, not just linear combinations of features.
  2. Global Optimization: GP is less likely to get stuck in local optima compared to gradient-based methods.
  3. Feature Engineering: GP can potentially discover new feature combinations that are effective for ranking.
  4. Interpretable Models: Depending on the representation, the evolved ranking functions can be interpretable.


  1. Computational Cost: Genetic programming can be computationally expensive, especially for large datasets or complex ranking functions.
  2. Overfitting: Like other machine learning methods, GP is susceptible to overfitting, especially if the evolved ranking functions are too complex.
  3. Parameter Tuning: GP requires tuning several parameters like population size, mutation rate, crossover rate, etc., which can be challenging.

Learning to Rank with Genetic Programming is particularly useful when you have a complex ranking problem and you're not sure which features or forms of ranking functions will perform best. It's a more exploratory approach that can yield innovative solutions but at the cost of higher computational resources.

A real-world analogy for Learning to Rank with Genetic Programming could be a cooking competition show like "MasterChef."

Components in the Analogy:

  1. Initialization: Imagine that each contestant starts with a basic recipe. These recipes are like the initial population of ranking functions in genetic programming.
  2. Evaluation: The dishes are prepared and judged by a panel of experts based on taste, presentation, and creativity. This is similar to evaluating the performance of each ranking function using a specific metric like NDCG or MAP.
  3. Selection: Contestants who prepare the best dishes are selected for the next round. This is akin to selecting the best-performing ranking functions to serve as parents for the next generation.
  4. Crossover and Mutation: In the next round, contestants are asked to merge two or more recipes or add a twist to an existing one. This is similar to the crossover and mutation operations in genetic programming, where ranking functions are combined and modified to create new ones.
  5. Replacement: The new dishes (recipes) replace the old ones, and the competition continues. This is like the new generation of ranking functions replacing the old one.
  6. Result: The contestant who consistently prepares the best dishes wins the competition. Similarly, the best-performing ranking function is selected for ranking new, unseen data.


  1. Flexibility: Just like chefs can use a variety of ingredients and cooking techniques, genetic programming allows for a wide range of ranking function forms.
  2. Global Optimization: Chefs try different combinations to find the best dish, similar to how GP explores a wide solution space to find the optimal ranking function.
  3. Feature Engineering: Chefs may discover a new combination of flavors or cooking techniques, akin to GP potentially discovering new feature combinations effective for ranking.


  1. Computational Cost: Preparing multiple dishes takes time and resources, similar to the computational cost of running genetic programming.
  2. Overfitting: A dish that is too complex may not necessarily be better, similar to how overly complex ranking functions can overfit the data.
  3. Parameter Tuning: Chefs need to balance flavors, cooking time, etc., just like the parameters in GP (e.g., mutation rate, crossover rate) need to be tuned for optimal performance.

In this analogy, the cooking competition serves as a dynamic, iterative process where recipes evolve over time, aiming to create the best dish possible, much like how ranking functions evolve in Learning to Rank with Genetic Programming.

Below is a simplified Python code example that demonstrates the concept of Learning to Rank with Genetic Programming (GP). The example uses the deap library for the genetic programming part and assumes a toy dataset with features and relevance scores.

from deap import base, creator, gp, tools, algorithms
import random
import numpy as np

# Toy dataset: features and relevance scores for 5 documents
features = np.array([[0.2, 0.8], [0.4, 0.6], [0.5, 0.5], [0.6, 0.4], [0.8, 0.2]])
relevance_scores = np.array([1, 2, 3, 2, 1])

# Define the evaluation function (fitness function)
def evaluate(individual, features, relevance_scores):
    func = toolbox.compile(expr=individual)
    predicted_scores = np.array([func(*feat) for feat in features])
    return np.corrcoef(predicted_scores, relevance_scores)[0, 1],

# Define the genetic programming operators
pset = gp.PrimitiveSet("MAIN", arity=2)
pset.addPrimitive(np.add, 2)
pset.addPrimitive(np.subtract, 2)
pset.addPrimitive(np.multiply, 2)

# Create the classes for the optimization problem
creator.create("FitnessMax", base.Fitness, weights=(1.0,))
creator.create("Individual", gp.PrimitiveTree, fitness=creator.FitnessMax)

toolbox = base.Toolbox()
toolbox.register("expr", gp.genHalfAndHalf, pset=pset, min_=1, max_=2)
toolbox.register("individual", tools.initIterate, creator.Individual, toolbox.expr)
toolbox.register("population", tools.initRepeat, list, toolbox.individual)
toolbox.register("compile", gp.compile, pset=pset)
toolbox.register("evaluate", evaluate, features=features, relevance_scores=relevance_scores)
toolbox.register("select", tools.selTournament, tournsize=3)
toolbox.register("mate", gp.cxOnePoint)
toolbox.register("expr_mut", gp.genFull, min_=0, max_=2)
toolbox.register("mutate", gp.mutUniform, expr=toolbox.expr_mut, pset=pset)

# Create population and run the evolution
population = toolbox.population(n=20)
algorithms.eaSimple(population, toolbox, cxpb=0.5, mutpb=0.2, ngen=10, stats=None, halloffame=None, verbose=True)

# Get the best individual
best_ind = tools.selBest(population, k=1)[0]
best_func = toolbox.compile(expr=best_ind)
print(f"Best individual: {best_ind}, Fitness: {best_ind.fitness.values[0]}")

In this example:

  • features is a toy dataset containing feature vectors for 5 documents.
  • relevance_scores contains the relevance scores for these documents.
  • evaluate is the fitness function that calculates the correlation between the predicted and actual relevance scores.
  • Genetic programming operators like addition, subtraction, and multiplication are defined.
  • The DEAP library's eaSimple function is used to run the genetic algorithm.

This is a very simplified example and doesn't capture the full complexity of a real-world Learning to Rank problem, but it should give you an idea of how to use Genetic Programming for this task


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