Learning process improvement
Paul Matthews
Learning & Development Expert. Strategist, Author & Speaker. Architect of the People Alchemy Learning Workflow Platform. Helping L&D Professionals Make a Difference.
Think of your learning programme as a process, like an industrial process, and then apply standard process mapping and improvement tools.
A process can be defined as
? A series of actions by which inputs are converted into outputs.
? A description of something we do to produce deliverables.
Process mapping is a tool that uses standardised flow-charting symbols to produce a diagrammatic representation of a business process. It allows the process to be...
? Easily explained to people involved or not involved in the process.
? Broken down by activity, responsibility, ownership, dependency, concurrency, and value.
? Assessed for bottlenecks and critical paths.
? Measured for time and resource usage.
Consequently, a process map helps us to identify opportunities to improve the process.
Map your learning programme process as it is for a single typical learner from their perspective.
Note: This is not the process you use to deliver the programme at scale. That is different.
Given the programme outcomes you and the primary stakeholders have defined, is this a reasonable process to achieve them?
Does the process include sufficient steps to ensure learning transfer and business impact?
Then map the ideal process that you think would be needed.
What's the difference?
There is a skill to process mapping and analysis, so it is worth studying it or getting help from someone with experience.
I remind you of the first line: Think of your learning programme as a process.
My best wishes, Paul