Learning outcomes
Asma Habib
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Learning outcomes
Learning Outcomes refer to the knowledge or skills acquired by the students through a particular class assignment etc. i.e. helps the students to understand what is the use of this knowledge or skill and how they can use it in their daily life
Learning outcomes in Developing?science
They draw in their minds knowledge and skills so that students know what they need to learn and how they can learn it. To get a good education, our society and way of life are all improved and the society is much improved. In addition to teaching textbooks, students need to gain knowledge about the environment and other things so that they can use it in their personal lives.
For Example :
1. Predict the appearance and motion of visible celestial objects.
2. Formulate scientific questions about the motion of visible celestial objects
3. Plan ways to model and/or simulate an answer to the questions chosen.
4. Communicate different ideas and outcomes to scientists using the appropriate format
1. Keywords for the course
2. Desired types of learning
3. By doing that course we have gained knowledge about the desired subject.
Now Let’s See why Language is Important for developing outcomes learning.
To begin the process of developing the learning outcomes it may be useful to brainstorm some keywords central to the dispiritedness of the content and generable skills toot in the course. These lists are also considered keywords
So what are the essential things students must know to be able to succeed in the course?
An idea of what a student must do to succeed in a course is given.
Educational Objectives:?
Addressing levels of learning:
Scholars working in pedagogy & epistemology offer us a taxonomy of learning that can help to learn outcomes more presized. These levels of learning can also help Develop assessments & appropriate to the learning outcomes for the course.
Let us see how Bloom’s Taxonomy helps this education's objectives and also develop in this sector.
Bloom's Taxonomy of Education: It also further develops the scope of our education because Bloom's teaching structure or the teaching techniques that students can learn at different levels play a much more important role in our education. The results of education should ultimately focus on the establishment of the highest level of classification. The Divide of Taxonomy can be understood?
Using like this table;
Example :
1. Remember to recall information.
2. Understand: demonstration of comprehension.
3. Apply: Create something new.
4. Analyze: Supporting assertions through the use of evidence and arguments,?Identifying cause and patterns.
5. Evaluate: Evaluate the information with appropriate reasoning
6. Create: Gathering the mind to come to new conclusions
Content Skills and values
If we use punitive content in our textbooks then students will know the results of that work in the future and therefore, as a result, they will perform the tasks correctly. Some results depend on the desired values etc. Learning Outcomes We can focus on training and applying the songs that are acquired with the students as much as possible. This will help the students to understand their learning more and develop appropriately.
Let’s now trying to understand the Characteristics of GOOD LEARNING OUTCOMES
Through good education, that education shows the same results in our real life. For example Activity, course program, etc. And through it comes out the right thing to do.
Specific languages and verbs should be used to improve learning outcomes It will assess the quality of education of the students and train them accordingly
Those issues are discussed in detail below
Speak to the learner
Students should have an idea in advance of what they will learn after completing the course
After learning, of course, Shetty will evaluate us according to the quality of our education
Learning strategies need to move in such a way that students can develop their knowledge and intelligence and live their lives in that way.
Students who can accomplish these should be able to demonstrate knowledge and skills as a result route
There should be a time limit for learning so that they can go through other times and acquire some other knowledge during that time.
The knowledge that students will acquire should be addressed and various contexts should be used so that their learning on the subject is active.
Both skills and knowledge need to be enhanced and students need to be attracted to new things so that they can accept new things and act accordingly.
Series of Courses:
Students may benefit by identifying a list of results they need to improve from one level to another, depending on the prerequisite requirements of the course. The first level assessment can directly measure the next level of readiness if their knowledge and these skills are identified as the opposite results.
How is this connected?
Many major and specialist programs identify a list of discipline -specify and multi-purpose skills, values, and areas of knowledge graduating students in the program will have. Benefits of a study program The program can communicate with potential students, employers, and others in the organization if students express what they know or can do this way.
Learning Outcomes for BA Anthropology Program May include :
Knowledge Outcomes sase as a result of completing this course students should be able to show evidence of a broad understanding of the past and present social, linguistic, and cultural diversity of people and their biological diversity and evolution, Show familiarity with the nature of the four fundamental fields within anthropology(archaeology, biological anthropology, anthropological linguistics, and cultural anthropology) and their interrelationship. To adopt a holistic and comparative approach, students around the world must develop an ability to understand human differences. Demonstrate familiarity with basic anthropological concepts terminology and theory. Benefits of a study program the program can communicate with potential students, employers, and others in the organization if students express what they know or can do this way.