Learning opportunities this month!

Learning opportunities this month!

Dear subscriber,

Wishing you a very happy new year and a wonderful 2022, ahead!?

All good things?begin with new learnings. We are covering all your learning needs in?science communication, so you can make the most of this year! Our new year resolution is to help you explore, learn, and succeed in your learning endeavors.?

We have been busy planning out the?roadmap that will ensure that we?achieve our goals for the year.?

But before we lay out the plan for the month of January, we want to draw your attention to our recent blogpost...

What would it be like to hear someone tell you that you are not proficient at what you do; that you do not deserve the credentials, position, success, or accolades that you have; and that your inabilities will be recognized and you will be exposed as a fraud?

That would obviously make you feel terrible!

Worse still, if that voice was in your own head! That’s IMPOSTOR SYNDROME!

Find this intriguing?

We have elaborated on this in our recent blogpost, 'IMPOSTOR SYNDROME: THE DEMON WITHIN'.

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And now, the plan for January 2022...

We have created two power-packed, learning-intensive masterclasses, based on your feedback. In addition, we are also hosting a free webinar!

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Do you use a comma before ‘and’ in a series or list? Well, that comma makes all the difference in how your sentence reads. You would be surprised to know that this comma could actually cause a job application or a research paper to get rejected!

Grammar is the single-most important aspect in ensuring that your writing is effective and received well by your audience! You may be an expert in your work, your research may be ground-breaking, you may be dedicated to your work—but would any of this matter in the least if your writing, riddled with grammatical errors fails to convey your ideas to your audience?

And, good English-speaking prowess does not ensure appropriate grammar in writing. Besides, grammar in science writing is a whole different ball game! There are tenses, sentence constructions, trouble-some twos, verbs and nouns, and so much more that are waiting to be the pit-falls in your writing!

This masterclass will address exactly these pain-points.

This masterclass is for you, if you:

  • Feel unsure of the way your sentences read
  • Struggle with words that would express your ideas exactly as they sound in your head
  • Get nightmares thinking of the correct usage of tenses and verbs
  • Have faced rejection of your writing on the grounds of grammatical errors
  • Are overwhelmed by the number of grammatical aspects that need to be addressed in writing
  • Are intimidated by the thought of having to study grammar from boring books or lectures

The 3-hours of this masterclass, will comprise of:

  • Quick revision of the basics of grammar
  • Detailed explanation of the incorporation of various grammatical aspects in your writing
  • Extensive use of examples for all the aspects
  • Intermittent quiz questions and polls to ensure that each aspect percolates through

This masterclass will:

  • Alleviate your fear of grammar
  • Make you confident of your writing
  • Ensure that grammar never stands in the way of your writing being accepted
  • Help you convey your ideas to your audience effectively

All within 3 hours!

So, if you are ready to end the distress that grammatical nuances cause to you once and for all, register, and I will see you in the masterclass!

Register Now

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Did the blogpost pique your intrigue about the IMPOSTOR SYNDROME?

Then, let's talk about this intriguing phenomenon that isn’t addressed enough, in spite of being way more common than we would like to think it is!

Individuals experience the impostor phenomenon irrespective of their age, community, or profession, but we have chosen to address its effect on the scientific community in this webinar. Professions in science, especially the tenure track ones that confine professionals to the laboratories and classrooms are often the worst affected by this phenomenon. The extreme competition, demanding nature of these jobs, the pressure of the publish or perish culture, the less-than-conducive work conditions, and the lack of time that precipitates lack of interaction with the outside world create the perfect environment for impostor syndrome to thrive!

Having said that, this webinar is for you, irrespective of your profession, if you relate to any of these:

  • Difficulty in taking credit for success
  • Inability to own accomplishments
  • Attribute achievements to good fortune or appropriate timing
  • Blame yourself extensively for your failures
  • Consider yourself incompetent
  • Neglect all evidence that indicates impostorism

This webinar will help you:

  • Trace to the origins of your impostor syndrome
  • Identify your natural skills and strengths
  • Acknowledge your abilities, your skills, and the value you add
  • Develop the confidence to take charge
  • Take a stand for yourself
  • Appreciate others and accept appreciation for yourself
  • Believe that you truly deserve your success
  • Explore your full potential with confidence
  • Take actionable steps towards claiming your success

You will be receiving a questionnaire after the webinar that will help you know the level of impostor phenomenon that you experience. You can then take appropriate steps to prevent this from coming in the way of you claiming your success!

?So, are you ready to understand, identify, and overcome this debilitating state-of-mind keeping you from your claim to success?

?Register, and I will see you in the webinar!

Register Now

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All that time, sometimes years spent doing some back-breaking, brain-wracking research work in the laboratory all comes down to how well you defend your work in your dissertation/thesis! Every master’s or doctoral student who has ever held their completed dissertation or thesis will vouch for how surreal the feeling is! Your dissertation/thesis is the written testimony to all the midnight oil that you burned, all the times that you pushed yourself way beyond your limits, and all the sacrifices you made!

So, make that manuscript special! Make it speak for your work, make it impress your mentors, make it stand out among your peers, celebrate it the way it should be celebrated! Your dissertation/ thesis is for your lifetime, it isn’t going to go anywhere or change anyhow! So, write it such that even after years when your family, friends, colleagues, or students see it, you are proud to call it your dissertation/thesis!

This masterclass is one that I wish I had access to when writing my master’s dissertation and doctoral thesis. I have poured in my decade-long experiences, both from learning and from failures into this masterclass for you!

This masterclass is for you, if you:

  • Are a master’s or doctoral student with an impending dissertation/thesis writing
  • Are intimidated by the blank paper, and don’t know where and how to begin
  • Feel buried under the piles of literature
  • Are overwhelmed by the chaos of unending data that you have generated
  • Are intimated by the thought of having to put your work in words

?The 3-hours of this masterclass, will comprise of:

  • A roadmap to writing your dissertation/thesis
  • The formula to help you out of the chaos
  • Step-by-step instructions for writing each section of your dissertation/ thesis, down to the acknowledgements and table of contents
  • Detailed guide on developing the bibliography section
  • Introduction to the referencing software – Mendeley
  • Discussion about the different referencing styles
  • Tips on how to present your data in the most effective manner
  • Ways to deal with all the graphs, tables, and figures

?This masterclass will:

  • Motivate you to start writing your dissertation/thesis—trust me that is the most difficult part!
  • Accelerate the process of writing your dissertation/thesis, if it is already in progress, and give it that much needed polish and shine
  • Give you the confidence to translate your work into words
  • Prepare a scaffold for your dissertation/thesis
  • Reduce the enormity of the task by breaking it into smaller, more achievable ones
  • Take away your fear of referencing and ease the process of preparing the bibliography section
  • Teach you how to make softwares, plug-ins, and programs do the work for you?

So, if you are ready to write that dissertation/ thesis that will impress your mentors and make you proud…dive right in…

Register, and I will see you in the masterclass!

Register Now

Until your next dose of relatable science...

Happy exploring and learning!


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