Learning the obvious
Ankur Arora
Product @ Field Nation | AI, SaaS, Marketplaces, Analytics | Driving 0-to-1 Products| Writer and Speaker
Is the below line true? I don’t believe so. Find out why.
“I am always ready to learn although I do not always like being taught.” — Winston Churchill
There are many questions I have in my mind when I am writing this post. Questions, to which answers may be known. But no one cares to learn by asking the questions.
Man learns from everywhere, at all times. They learn how to follow a process established by their ancestors, their parents, friends, and everyone around. They also learn how to break the rules. They learn from experiment/ experience. But why people do not learn from the things they spend most of their day with. Is it because they are human creation or is it too obvious or it is too ideal. Let’s find it out. But before that let’s start with some examples:
Hospitals: Hospital is a place, where one goes/ is taken, to save a life, irrespective of the importance of that life to the world. Money is treated as the second fiddle to life as life has no price tag. Then why are things different outside the hospital. Why are people consider themselves slaves to money(a thing created by humans for exchange of goods/ services and not life)? How can one trade life with money that openly as it is showcased all around the world today? Why can’t countries around the world unite and give everyone the money, so that they don’t have to trade their life? I know, some may call me socialist but the whole purpose of the job was to render services and not render life for money. Why can’t we put a full stop on normal currency around the world and give everyone some other currency so that everyone can live a peaceful life till the time everything falls in place and we use the current currency from that point onward?
House: Many of the birds have to travel 1000’s of miles every year to move to an environment that can help them survive. For humans, the house enables them to live in one place, protecting them from every bad thing, without differentiating based on caste/ color/ region/ religion. It never thinks that one person is the first owner of the house or the other person is living in a short term time frame. But then why humans differentiate based on first access and those who came only for a short time. Why people have to give up their lives without a reason just to have a similar kind of basic living.
Internet: The Internet is the best enabler to a human. Without any physical shape or form, it facilitates us in every aspect of our life. And it works on one basic principle: enabling the interaction between producer and consumer. Has the Internet ever thought that by making the producer and consumer meet, it may reduce the usage of the internet for that problem for that person? But in real life, many of us believe that being an enabler or solving problems for others may not be the right thing. Why even knowing the fact that the mask enables others to live a healthy life is such a difficult thing to use. Why people, while knowing that they may have some symptoms, wait for extreme increasing the gap between producer and consumer.
I can give numerous other examples, which can illustrate my point but the question is simple. Life of everyone may not be equal, but do humans have the right to bring in additional inequality. Why are things, which humans created and rules which humans set, do not follow the mindset of the creators? Are we not good enough to learn from the things which we have created. The answer is simple, good things never speak for themselves and we have been working in a system where people hear when one screams. I guess that is what happening on US roads right now. And that’s why I said that I disagree with Churchill's quote.