Learning about new React technologies!
As part of my ongoing self-learning efforts and an aim to stay up to date with contemporary best practices, I have just finished Bonnie Schulkin's course on React Query/Tanstack Query on Udemy.com!
The course is a solid introduction to the potential uses of React Query (now also known as TanStack Query) in React projects. Schulkin's courses have consistently been of good quality, and provide concise explanations for users of different experience levels, and this course is no exception. Whilst there are some slight issues in some materials and lectures (i.e. audio issues following changes being made in post production, or minor mismatches in code provided for the course versus code discussed in lectures), Schulkin does continue to maintain and improve the content, whilst answering queries in the Q&A section. I can recommend taking this course, but I would also stress the value in consulting the technical documentation for TanStack Query in tandem with the relevant lectures in the course.
Though I'm still new to this technology, the options it offers for enhancing server interactions, as well as potential UI improvements and data handling in a front-end app have caught my interest, and I'll be considering future applications carefully after this.